I can see that all posts relating to this problem appear to be marked as solved. I have posted 3 times already and never once had a reply. Yes, I did a "Report Issue" right at the start of the problem and again no response. The annoying thing is that it worked perfectly before the recent upgrade.
I have 2 bank log-ins - one works if I open the website, go to the log-in page, it will fill the log-in correctly. However, if I click on the log-in from Identity Safe directly, it will open the page and fill it, but somehow go to the wrong button and I get an error message. I then have to erase the password (twice) and use the fill button, before able to log-in.
The second bank has username/security number/password. Of this, only the username is filled, no matter which method I use. It used to fill username/password, leaving me to fill security number