Identity Safe log in with Marshmallow OS not working

My Identity Safe had been working till last night on my Samsung Edge S7. Last night I attempted to log in.  I used my Identity Safe password the Vault opened for a few seconds and then I got this message "Session Expired Please sign in to your account"  I have done this multiple times and keep getting the same response.  Also I have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times with no success.  Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated

For the users who still find the issue,kindly send me a personal message with your norton account [Username alone,don't share password]

*Please write as personal message than posting your Norton account here.

The issue has been completely resolved,please check once for yourself and let us know if the issue still remain.Which ideally should not.

Thank you all for the patience shown on us.

Thanks everyone for the patience shown on us.The fix is happening on a phased manner,good to hear that few who reported already is not seeing the issue again.Expected to completely fix this issue in few days from now.

Please have a check whether you could login now,or few who still find issue will be sorted out soon .

Will give a update once its completely done

This is the latest post from an Norton employee.


Do you have any idea when this fix will be available?  I checked my iPad this morning ID Safe runs as it should.

I have the same problem.  Tried logging out, uninstalling, still times out after logging into account before it gives a chance to open the vault.  Samsung S6 on Sprint network, Android version 6.0.1, Security patch level: January 1, 2017

As of this morning still having this problem. By the way has norton had any complaints Identity Safe with Apple products

Partially fixed up some of the users,we are trying to get a fix as soon we could.Hopes this will fix up by that update.Thank you all for the patience,request to stand in for few days we would resolved this issue.

Yes sir, I just checked and it says session expired and request I sign back in. And then the same process repeats itself over and over. .

@jkm49us  @williebgood Could you please check if you still get the "Session expired" issue.

Maybe it is different on Marshmallow, but this is what I see on Android 4.4.2. Note that this is before trying to enter the vault password.

idsafe mobile sign out.JPG

If you do not see this and as you have reinstalled a couple of times, it is more likely that it is part of the issue others are seeing with the mobile ID Safe. Although I am not having any trouble logging into my vault just now.


i see nowhere does it have a sign out option..i have deleted and reinstalled all norton products, rebooted , and still doesn't work..and yes i have turned off  my phone and also restarted my phone..

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but you have not specifically answered my question. When it shows you signed into your Norton Account at the bottom of the app, have you signed OUT? Then restart your phone and tried again.


I did that already it shows me as "Signed In" at the bottom right of the Identity App.  When I put my password in I get Session Expired please sign in, I am already in but can not get to the vault.  The vault pops for a second or so then I get the above Session Expired.  Thanks for the tip.

It says I am Signed In but the vault opens for a second or so the I get that Session Expired and the vault closes immediately.  I will check out the links you sent me.  Hopefully I will find a fix.

Where you see the app signed into your Norton Account, Sign Out. Then restart your phone and try again.

You may still be seeing the issues from Norton's end. See these threads where a Norton employee has posted about known issues.

And there were other issues with ID Safe servers for PC's recently that may be spilling over to the mobile platforms.

Hi Peter tried your suggestion however the App shows me as signed in at the bottom of the screen.  I input my password it looks like the Vault is opening and I get the same answer as above Session Expired, Please Sign In to your account.  I turned the phone off as you suggested also and same problem.  Anything else that you can suggest, as I stated this App was working fine the last time I used it.

There are currently some issues with the mobile ID Safe.

Try opening the ID Safe app. Scroll to the bottom of the page and Sign Out. Restart your phone and try again.