Identity safe Merge

I have 5 desktops all running Norton NIS 2013, all updated, all with local password databases,all with substantially different data, and one which I just installed NIS 2013 from disk and allowed it to make an empty online database(because I hadn't created any passwords yet). Now when I log onto the online vault created by the new install from any of the other 4 desktops and attempt to merge their data I get an error message that implies that I should try again later. None of them will go through the merge process. I also ran into problems trying to manually update all 5 computers and merge their local vault databases. 2 desktops will merge their files but neither one will merge with the other 3. The other three desktops will merge together but will not merge with the first 2. Anyway has anyone had experiences like this and come up with a solution???? Thanks in advance Bitbob