Identity Safe & Other NIS 2012 Questions

Hi All,


Was Identity Safe Updated with the upgrade?  I am just wondering because ever since the upgrade, it doesn't work as well on the websites that I frequently visit.  On a few websites it will not fill in any information in at all.  On others it asks to resave the password and user name information which it already has! I am not sure why it is asking to resave the information since it has sucessfully logged me in!!


Also... when I double click on the Norton Icon down by my clock... I notice that when the Norton Screen comes up it will temporarily show all the Advanced Settings as being turned off, before showing them as being as being turned on. 


This seems to happen when you bring up the Norton screen the very first time.  If you double click on the Norton Icon again it will not show this.


Anyway the Norton icon down by my taskbar always has a green checkmark beside but considering how the main screen temporarily shows all the settings are turned off...before Norton turns them on... am I really protected??




P.S. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit Service Pack 1 With IE-8 and Firefox 10