Identity Safe Problems with Multiple Logins

Ever since I switched to NIS2012, I've been getting a weird glitch with identify safe on pages with where I have multiple login cards defined (mostly Facebook because that's the one we switch logins on a lot). 


When you bring up the FB login page, Identify Safe pre-fills the information with the last user who used FB which is fine.  There's an option on the top bar (top right corner) showing logins(4) which is correct.  You can also switch the logins from the Identity Safe button on the top left corner.  Also, all is good.  You select the login you want and it changes it on the screen.  So far so good.  However, sometimes (most of the time now) when you click on login, the page "shakes" (literally that's what it looks like) and it switches back to the original login and proceeds to log you in with that one. 


The only bypass we've found is to use the Identity Safe button in the top left corner and then select the FB page with the proper login from the list of recently used pages.


Windows Vista Home Premium

IE version 8

NIS 2012 with all updates

Do you have a timescale here, please? Also, will this fix include a resolution of the problem whereby multiple fill-ins of the same form are only possible if the form is first refreshed each time it is to be filled?

I am sorry but this has been the answer for MONTHS. In fact, my TIVO page was fixed and now it is broken again. So something reverted back to the broken state again!

I've had the same problems - particularly difficult with PayPal since I couldn't send money from the correct account.  I got round this by removing the Autofill option on all the multiple logins and I now have to do a manual select from the options available in the drop down.  Less than satisfactory and I much preferred 2011.

Ever since I switched to NIS2012, I've been getting a weird glitch with identify safe on pages with where I have multiple login cards defined (mostly Facebook because that's the one we switch logins on a lot). 


When you bring up the FB login page, Identify Safe pre-fills the information with the last user who used FB which is fine.  There's an option on the top bar (top right corner) showing logins(4) which is correct.  You can also switch the logins from the Identity Safe button on the top left corner.  Also, all is good.  You select the login you want and it changes it on the screen.  So far so good.  However, sometimes (most of the time now) when you click on login, the page "shakes" (literally that's what it looks like) and it switches back to the original login and proceeds to log you in with that one. 


The only bypass we've found is to use the Identity Safe button in the top left corner and then select the FB page with the proper login from the list of recently used pages.


Windows Vista Home Premium

IE version 8

NIS 2012 with all updates