Identity Safe Questions

Good day Norton Community,


1) Would like to view Identity Safe vault data if possible to confirm encryption.  Is there a Directory location/path/string that I may use to locate the Identity Safe data or is identity Safe vault storage embedded into the product platform and not available to view like a folder in my Directory.


2) Would anyone know what encryption method and standard is used.


3) Would like to know if when Logged-In to Identity Safe and I can easily view all my confidential/personal info saved in my Log-ins, Cards and Notes.  Might some crimeware be able to just as easily view or capture my info.


Respectfully submitted,  Thanking Community members in advance.


Good Evening dbrisendine,


1)  Would you know the path for the IdentitySafeDataStore directory.  I searched for it with no success.  Is the User Key you refer to my Login password. 


2)   256bit encryption is all I wanted to know.  I thought maybe some brand name encryption like Blowfish or ? 256bit sounds better than 128bit what ever the method is.


3)  So even when I keystroke in my Password or keystroke in information into a Card or Note the keystrokes are protected from a Keylogger or screen capture that may have managed to get through NIS.   Or, if I'm just viewing stored data from Tool Bar or the Settings page somehow screen capture is impossible.  I thought if I can see it so can the bad guys.  I trust NIS 1000% but, though it's very, very, very rare even NIS may miss one once.  


Respectfully submitted for clarification



Message Edited by bjm_ on 05-22-2009 05:34 PM

1)  The path depends on the OS.  In Vista, it is in the ProgramData\Norton\{user id}\Norton directory.  The user id is unique for each user.


2)  I believe it's 256 but knowing Norton they may have implemented 247bit just to confuse someone.  The method and level is not known outside of Symantec.  128bit can be cracked in 10 minutes so I'm sure it's better than that but.....  To find the true answer you would have to be hired by Symantec.  And give up your first born (ha ha) .


3)  I suppose that if there was a camera pointed at your keyboard / screen THAT would steal the information.  Even when you look at the list yourself, the passwords (and other sensitive information) is either masked or just not on the screen.


Hope this clears up any non clear information I gave before.



Thanks I found the folder and the A/N 32 character unique user ID. I wondered what that was. Looks encrypted to me. Like I know what I'm looking at (Ha Ha). I've read about how vulnerable 128bit is... I trust Symantec. I just wish Identity Safe would function with multi-page log-ins like all the Banks are using. I have to use another Password Manager for multi-page logins. I also wish Identity Safe included a random key virtual keyboard. I appreciate the Passwords are masked even if the Usernames are not. When I have to manually keystroke my Login ID and data to Cards and Notes it would be nice if I could use a Virtual Keyboard with random keys. Just my wish list for NIS10. Thanks for your help.   Govt and Corporate servers get hacked all the time.  The bad guys don't have to be looking over my shoulder.  If they want in they'll get in.  Just my 2cents. Thanks again for your dedication to this forum.  





I know the suggestions / wish list is being worked on.  So stay tuned.

Good day Norton Community,


1) Would like to view Identity Safe vault data if possible to confirm encryption.  Is there a Directory location/path/string that I may use to locate the Identity Safe data or is identity Safe vault storage embedded into the product platform and not available to view like a folder in my Directory.


2) Would anyone know what encryption method and standard is used.


3) Would like to know if when Logged-In to Identity Safe and I can easily view all my confidential/personal info saved in my Log-ins, Cards and Notes.  Might some crimeware be able to just as easily view or capture my info.


Respectfully submitted,  Thanking Community members in advance.
