I have several yahoo mail logins, and ID Safe autofills one, and doesn't offer me choices of the others. When I load ID safe logins from the toolbar, I see the one I want, but cannot cause it to autofill the login page. And when I try to click view or copy to clipboard, the loaded logins just disappear and I have to load them again. There's an icon to click for editing a login, and this prevents it from disappearing, but this also doesn't autofill the login page.
Same with gmail. I have several accounts. ID Safe used to handle these fine. I could select the login I wanted & it would autofill & autosubmit. When I click on one of these entries to cause ID Safe to open a new page, gmail only opens with my default mail account, NOT the one I clicked. In other words, the correct userid and password are not getting passed to google.
The information is all there in ID safe, but it's not functioning.
Also, when I just registered on this Norton support site, ID safe did not capture the login.
Perhaps there's some trick with this new interface that I haven't figured out yet -- anyone else having this issue?