Is there a was to disable IE as default browser for opening Identity Safe ? I've attempted to change my Identity Safe settings using Chrome to access (Settings, Web ,Identity Safe settings) but unable to be rid of IE.
I never use IE 11 fo anything; it's no longer compaitble with qny site I use reguilarly.
Oddly, if NIS 2013 attempts to to open Identity Safe using IE I receive warnings (1) the website does not have a valid security certificate (2) The website is NOT SAFE, am automatically rerouted to some Paralells website where I am advised that iwth a paid subscription I'll be abel to access Good God. This weird episode takes place only if I neglect to access using Chrome. I have not been able to open Identity Safe directly using Windows Start , programs, Identiuty Safe etc. Nothing happens regarless if I try to access it in C drive or through the back door using Cntrol Panel. PITA