ie7 bombs with Norton Phishing Protection

Hello, I have a very similar problem to the thread listed here:


I could not reply to that thread, I'm assuming it's been archived or locked. 


I do not have explorer 8, running ie7.  Norton did a live update that forced a restart of the computer to complete.  Since then if I try to turn the phishing proction on, explorer will bomb out and say it hit a runtime error with c++.  The only way I can get it work (like right now) is to go to internet explorer options in the advanced tab and turn off "enable third party browser extensions."  Norton Internet Security is then red tell me I'm at risk.  I do not have phishing protection turned on in ie7 as well, thinking they would conflict causing the problem, but that is not helping.


I'm running Vista, 32bit. 


Please help. Thank you.