
Hi, I'm really hoping someone can help me here. I'm usually really good about getting rid of anything that might creep into my computer, but this one has me stumped. I've done a ton of research and so far, this website seems the most helpful/knowledgable. However, nothing that's suggested so far has worked for me.


My problem is I have a program working in my background called iexplore.exe. It randomly opens up even when I'm not on the internet and downloads adds. I only use the real IE for mircosoft updates and such, otherwise I'll use Firefox so I'm not sure how I got this... But, even with firefox, I believe it's this same virus that will randomly generate a add instead of a link that I'll be trying to open. 


At the very least, this thing is SUPER annoying as it will slow my computer dramatically when it opens. I've tried several programs to get rid of it, (Threatfire, Malwarebytes, SuperAntiSp, and PrevxCSI) and none of them have found it. I've tried deleting the iexplore file from my computer as well, and it gets immediately generated again. I've also tried going into safemode to try and deal with it but my comp will crash now every time I try, so I wonder if it's to blame there as well.


So, I'm at my wits end and very close to formatting, and I really dislike doing that....  If anyone can help I'll be forever grateful!