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[Edit: Masking email address to conform with the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service]
Hi Yank
Thanks for offer to try to answer my question. While I believe that Norton staff should answer as this is part of the service I have paid for, very grateful you are willing to help. No idea if this is the appropriate board but I am not especially IT literate and, having experienced several false starts in the registration process, it was the only one I could find [and that via the answer to someone else's question rather than any useful guidance on the Norton site].
The 'Norton Monthly Report' box appears on my screen from time to time, presumably because Norton causes it to do so. The box had/has three sections:
- Cybercrime News.
- Tip of the month.
- Report for the last 90 Days.
Q1 'Cybercrime News': What is the purpose of this? It seems to be a waste of time. When I click on the link I am taken to a page which been identical for several years. Rather like the daily newspaper having the same content every day.
Q2 'Tip of the Month': My IT competence is not such that I know if this is recommending I take any action. Would it be possible to provide a plain English summary? If it is merely marketing material as opposed to an important / urgent alert could this be made clear in some way?
Q3 'Report for the Last 90 days': Would it be possible for the report to interpret results in plain English eg; satisfactory / not, action required / not? I acknowledge that on this occasion the second rep confirmed that the situation is satisfactory, but this will not help next time the box appears.
Initially chat line reps seemed to have trouble understanding the questions, perhaps because the chat line does not permit sending screen-shots. Eventually all they could suggest amounted in essence to 'ignore it - just a random email'. Not satisfactory that Norton do not know what they are sending out and why.
" The 'Norton Monthly Report' box appears on my screen from time to time, presumably because Norton causes it to do so. The box had/has three sections:
- Cybercrime News.
- Tip of the month.
- Report for the last 90 Days.
Q1 'Cybercrime News': What is the purpose of this? It seems to be a waste of time. When I click on the link I am taken to a page which been identical for several years. Rather like the daily newspaper having the same content every day.
Q2 'Tip of the Month': My IT competence is not such that I know if this is recommending I take any action. Would it be possible to provide a plain English summary? If it is merely marketing material as opposed to an important / urgent alert could this be made clear in some way?
Q3 'Report for the Last 90 days': Would it be possible for the report to interpret results in plain English eg; satisfactory / not, action required / not? I acknowledge that on this occasion the second rep confirmed that the situation is satisfactory, but this will not help next time the box appears.
Initially chat line reps seemed to have trouble understanding the questions, perhaps because the chat line does not permit sending screen-shots. Eventually all they could suggest amounted in essence to 'ignore it - just a random email'. Not satisfactory that Norton do not know what they are sending out and why."
To be honest, I always had this feature disabled via the Norton GUI - Settings and I do not pay attention at all.
For your Q3, you can always open the Security History and see all the gathered logs.
That should provide many info, concerning your Norton product activities.
Hi wasteoftime,
I have flagged this thread for assistance from Sunil_GA (a Norton Admin) as that individual seems to be on top of answers pertaining to the Norton Monthly Report and also may be able to shake a few trees in regards to Norton support not being very helpful. I am hoping they will supply a response to your questions.
I, like Apostolos, do not review my Norton Monthly Report - I have it enabled to receive it, as there are reports from time to time that users do not receive it, but that is all I do with it - make sure I get one every month. That said, as Apostolos said, all of the statistical information in the report can be found in the same sections of your History.
There is an explaination of the Monthly Report here - and even with the additonal linsk at the bottom of that link, the is not much info to be garnered from that link in regards to your questions.
I have my monthly report disabled also. I look at the logs and can see the activity that the program does. I can also use the logs and go back a couple of months if I want to or better yet, need to..
You can also look at this site to see if it is any more informative.
Thanks to Yank and others. Norton have made initial contact so tree shaking seems to have worked. I still find it unacceptable that Norton ignored me for so long.
I hope when I discuss with Norton rep that they will clarify;:
- Why, if Norton Monthly News pop up is not important and can be ignored / link disabled, do Norton continue to send it out.
- Alternatively if History, Report for Last 90 Days, Tip of the Month, etc is important, what is it Norton want me to *do* - gobbledegook to me.
- What is the point of Cybercrime News if it never changes.
Incidentally what is GUI as in 'Norton GUI'
wasteoftime [This was prompted by my experience with Norton suport. I am of course always reasonable, balanced and appropriately focused. I meant to style myself 'wastedtime'.]
GUI = graphic user interface
additional details upon request
wasteoftime wrote:Thanks to Yank and others. Norton have made initial contact so tree shaking seems to have worked. I still find it unacceptable that Norton ignored me for so long.
I hope when I discuss with Norton rep that they will clarify;:
- Why, if Norton Monthly News pop up is not important and can be ignored / link disabled, do Norton continue to send it out.
- Alternatively if History, Report for Last 90 Days, Tip of the Month, etc is important, what is it Norton want me to *do* - gobbledegook to me.
- What is the point of Cybercrime News if it never changes.
Incidentally what is GUI as in 'Norton GUI'
wasteoftime [This was prompted by my experience with Norton suport. I am of course always reasonable, balanced and appropriately focused. I meant to style myself 'wastedtime'.]
Hi wasteoftime,
Why, if Norton Monthly News pop up is not important and can be ignored / link disabled, do Norton continue to send it out.
What do you mean by Norton Monthly news? Is it cybercrime news? If yes, its updated regularly when new data is available.
If it is the Tip of Month you are meaning, it is to familiarise you with norton product settings and features
Alternatively if History, Report for Last 90 Days, Tip of the Month, etc is important, what is it Norton want me to *do* - gobbledegook to me
These are displayed displayed in the monthly report such that user gets an overview of the events, which are security related, that occured in the particular system where Norton product is installed.
You can disable Monthly report here:
Goto nis main window -> settings -> general:
The monthly report feature of norton is for just reference of user only. There is nothing in it to be taken seriously. Monthly report shows the actions like downloaded files, threats detected, intrusions prevented, etc.
It is in my words, a way to create a good impression to user.
Hope this explains to some extend. Keep us updated........
Q:Would it be possible for the report to interpret results in plain English eg; satisfactory / not, action required / not?
A: When an action is required or security status of your product is non satisfactory, the a pop up or message box is displayed requesting for urgent action and giving details about the actions to be taken.
The number of threats detected or resolved depends on how much your system is exposed to malwares and threats.
Also who is going to bother using a security software which tells the there were risks unresolved in their system only at the end of month and not as soon as that issue occurred?
But as I said earlier, this has some business background and if you dont need to see it again disable it as said.
dick evans, Graphic User Interface: Thanks for explanation. I am pleased to note I have a GUI. At least I think I am, the term has a positive ring to it. Probably further details would just sink me deeper in the mire, unless I really need to know, but thanks for offer.
- Cybercrime news. The link Norton give me to click on takes me to a copy of Cybercrime News which has not changed in years.
- Tip of the month. Again thanks for explaining this. Without wishing to offend the members of this forum I suspect it suffers from the stereotypical IT problem; technically accurate but fails completely to communicate effectively. When I have looked at it I am left as clear as mud as to what I should do.
- 'There is nothing [in monthly report]; to be taken seriously'. I feel Norton should make this clear on the pop up eg by an unequivocal statement along the lines 'Information only, no action required'. I have wasted a lot of time on this. In the absence of other information the natural inclination is to apply the precautionary principle, ie take everything from a security sytem provider seriously.
- 'When an action is required or security status of your product is non satisfactory, the a pop up or message box is displayed requesting for urgent action and giving details about the actions to be taken.' I can not recall seeing a pop up or message box requesting urgent action. On a few occassions I have noticed the tick on the small Norton icon at the bottom of my screen has been replaced with a cross. It is of concern that this is so inconspicuos I may not have noticed it for several days.
Hopefully Norton Rep will be in touch soon.
wasteoftime wrote:
- 'When an action is required or security status of your product is non satisfactory, the a pop up or message box is displayed requesting for urgent action and giving details about the actions to be taken.' I can not recall seeing a pop up or message box requesting urgent action. On a few occassions I have noticed the tick on the small Norton icon at the bottom of my screen has been replaced with a cross. It is of concern that this is so inconspicuos I may not have noticed it for several days.
Certain viruses and malwares are hard to be removed during scans. Certain AV(Anti-Virus) or other security suites use modes with names:
- Advanced disinfection mode or
- Hardened removal or
- Deep cleaning mode or some other names....
I'm happy that you haven't experienced one like that. When norton finds it that it needs some extra steps to totally clean the malware or virus or whatever maybe the threat, it notifies the user with a message box / pop up for system restart.
Thats what I meant by stating 'When an action is required or security status of your product is non satisfactory, the a pop up or message box is displayed requesting for urgent action and giving details about the actions to be taken.'
On a few occassions I have noticed the tick on the small Norton icon at the bottom of my screen has been replaced with a cross. It is of concern that this is so inconspicuos I may not have noticed it for several days.
This happens usually when your Norton hasn't been updated for 5 consecutive days. Performing a live update helps to avoid this.
Other causes for this are:
- Norton was unable to perform a Quick Scan for few days continuously
- Some error has been occuring with Norton program (Usually goes off with a 'Get Support' option.
Lastly, I too noticed the links of the window / banner of monthly report redirects you to somewhat outdated posts:
- http://uk.norton.com/yoursecurityresource/
- File Insight details kb article
for all my attempts..
May be its a glitch in the product feature. Thanks for helping me to notice it. I usually just observes the statics given after it and closes the window.
Norton rep contacted me today. He provided a very clear, comprehendible and relevant explanation to the issues I had raised. He undertook to pass on feedback. I am very satisfied with his suppport.
I am considerably less satisfied with the Norton service in general;
- poor communication of the purpose of Norton Monthly Report,
- the difficulty making contact with someone who could / would give useful advice.
Thanks to all in this community who have offered suggestions and particullarly for provoking a response from Norton.
wasteof time
Glad to hear someone contacted you, you are satisfied with the answers you got and this entire of thread has not been a total "waste of time"!