I have IM set for (i) New Friends Blocked, and (ii) all existing firends are individually blocked. At times this works and messages are blocked. But no for long. Soon all IM messages beging working again. I have done this as a controlled experiment between two computers at home.
I can't see anything that has changed to make the blocking stop.
If I UPDATE The Settings and then UPDATE HOUSE RULES, it works for a little bit. Then stops.
My daughter says that if she hits CANCEL when the Warning message displays, then she can use the IM again.
Usig AIM client. Vista Ultimate.
There seems to be a bit of confusion here.
We don't work with web based chat protocols such as Meebo or the Google version.
When you state that it works and then stops working, could you tell me the exact steps you are doing to get into this state using the downloaded AIM client v6.x that you stated above?
I do not know if the blocking is working but I have it set to track IM messaging so they can be monetered but it dosent do anything. I can see all acctivity exsept IM. How can I get this fixed?
I will need a bit more information:
1) what IM software and version of that software are your children using?
2) do you see the paw in the tray
3) when you float your mouse over the paw, do you see "Norton Safety Minder - Enabled"?
4) on the OnlineFamily.Norton.com website, under settings for the child you are monitoring, is Chat supervision enabled?
OK So it doesn;t work with Meebo (I could have sworn it did). But it clearly does not block message traffic on the AIM 6 downloaded client consistently. When I first set it up, it seems to block. If I send an IM to a blocked SCREENNAME, it gives me the puppy dog warning and the other end never sees the message. But then it stops blocking after a time and nothing has been changed in terms of configuraton of system or Norton. I see the PAW. If I mouse over it says ENABLED. Messages are received from blocked SCREENNAMES.
Many times what I see is "SCREENNAME: [IM SESSION]" for Blocked - Message Received from Blocked Friend" in the Activity Log, however, my child gets the message on AIM and is able to conduct a dialog with the person.
Another inconsistency is that it does not monitor all IM sessions of people set for MONITOR. I cannot see any rhyme or reason to which sessions doe get monitored. I can sit and watch my child IM'ing someone and on my laptop I can see that this person is blocked but she is chatting away. If I UPDATE the settings, I can watch the "House Rules Have Been Updated" message appear on her sceen so I know the update went through. But still no blocking.
I have finally just used Vista Parental Controls to block all access to IM. Much more drastic than I would like so I would like your service to work.
Dont know about those IM’s but My kids use myspace and yahoo messenger. Could it be that it can’t track those IM’s as well?
It will not work with MySpace IM, but will work with Yahoo Messenger (the non web version).
Yahoo messenger and myspace im. yes the paw is in the corner of the screen on my login but will i have to see if it on they’re login as well? they have passwords set on they’re logins for this computer. Yes it is set to monertering.
I have IM set for (i) New Friends Blocked, and (ii) all existing firends are individually blocked. At times this works and messages are blocked. But no for long. Soon all IM messages beging working again. I have done this as a controlled experiment between two computers at home.
I can't see anything that has changed to make the blocking stop.
If I UPDATE The Settings and then UPDATE HOUSE RULES, it works for a little bit. Then stops.
My daughter says that if she hits CANCEL when the Warning message displays, then she can use the IM again.
Usig AIM client. Vista Ultimate.
Whats the Non web version of yahoo messenger? never heard of that.
berkshireman wrote:
Many times what I see is "SCREENNAME: [IM SESSION]" for Blocked - Message Received from Blocked Friend" in the Activity Log, however, my child gets the message on AIM and is able to conduct a dialog with the person.
Another inconsistency is that it does not monitor all IM sessions of people set for MONITOR. I cannot see any rhyme or reason to which sessions doe get monitored. I can sit and watch my child IM'ing someone and on my laptop I can see that this person is blocked but she is chatting away. If I UPDATE the settings, I can watch the "House Rules Have Been Updated" message appear on her sceen so I know the update went through. But still no blocking.
How do you have your system set up for monitoring IM?
Chat supervision must be turned on and one of the selections for monitoring must be selected.
If you choose Blocked, all new buddies will be blocked until you allow.
If you choose Monitor, the conversation will be logged but no blocking will take place.
If you choose Not Blocked or Monitored, conversations are not logged, but you will get the list of buddies being talked to.
pegabow1 wrote:
Whats the Non web version of yahoo messenger? never heard of that.
Sorry I should have been more specific. Web applications like Meebo allow you to chat using Yahoo but within a web browser. We do not support web browser IM. We only support installed client applications of IM.
I have it on and set for Monitor, the conversation will be logged but no blocking will take place.
As far ad I know it is the normal yahoo messenger that is downloaded.
Also, on the IM FRIENDS list, I have everyone set to BLOCKED.
What I also need to know is the im sessions are logged but can the im sessions be read?
It is all very inconsistent. Some IM sessions get logged but many do not. Some IM sessions produce multiple logs of the same conversation ove time (each showing more of the IM conversation). Many of the IM sessions that I can see her having simply result in either (i) a SYSTEM ACTIVITY message saying "An IM Session Was Attempted with a BLOCK ID" (or something like that) with no log of the converstaion, or (ii) Nothing in the System Activity log.
I do not get anything as far as accitivity at all. I see them using im when they are on the computer but when I look it up on here there is nothing logged or monnitered. Why am I not seeing anything?
pegabow1 wrote:
I do not get anything as far as accitivity at all. I see them using im when they are on the computer but when I look it up on here there is nothing logged or monnitered. Why am I not seeing anything?
2 things, what IM client is your child using? What version?
Do you see web activity events?