I'm extremely dissapointed with NIS spyware protection skills.. It performed as an ABJECT FAILURE!

I decided to test my NIS with a rogue security application. I downloaded it and installed it.


Norton Internet Security did absolutely nothing to stop it from doing its bad stuff..


It was stopped by Data Execution Prevention and Windows Defender (which is free and which you recommend to be turned off, and you even automatically turn it off during installation!!!!)


[link removed]


Norton didn't do SQUAT to protect me :




Good old FREE Windows Defender DID ITS JOB!


 good job!


The LEAST you can do is stop turning off Windows Defender automatically during setup if you can't make an aplication that could actually adequately replace it!


And if you'd excuse me, I'm going to see now if anything was left to clean up, and to delete the malware installer which is sitting on my  disk completely undisturbed by NIS.

Message Edited by TomiRed on 11-19-2008 09:44 PM

[edit: removed link per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service. Please do not post links to malware. Link is still available internally]

Message Edited by Tim_Lopez on 11-19-2008 03:38 PM