Seems Norton is more interested in the upsell than providing the basic service paid for, I'm looking to cancel my subscription as I'm simply tired of the poor performance and constant upsell. Guessing your not really concerned about this and that is why I'm looking to cancel.
Have you turned Special Offer Notification Off?
Special Offer Notification: When On, your Norton product notifies you about promotions, discounts, or special deals.
R U asking how to stop your Norton subscription from automatically renewing?
Learn more about your automatically renewing subscription
Stop your Norton subscription from automatically renewing
Please check your Norton account to manage licenses / subscriptions.
Please check your Norton account to confirm ... Automatic Renewal Off ... and no billing information.
MY SUBSCRIPTIONS reports: Activate Subscription Renewal ... with Automatic Renewal Off.
BILLING INFORMATION reports: There is no billing profile saved in your account ... with no billing information.
When you stop your Norton subscription from automatically renewing:
- Your subscription will continue through the end of your already paid subscription term, after which your subscription will not automatically renew.
- It typically takes a few hours from your request for the change to take effect.
- Associated recurring subscription benefits may end when you stop your subscription from automatically renewing.
When you stop your recurring subscription, your subscription will not automatically renew.
- Your subscription will continue through the end of your current paid term.
- Your protection will continue through the end of your current paid term.
When you stop your recurring subscription, your subscription will not have the Norton Virus Protection Promise.
- Your protection will continue through the end of your current paid term.
- Your subscription will continue through the end of your current paid term.
FAQ: Norton subscription and renewal
FAQ: Norton Subscription status