Immunet 3.x claims Norton Internet Security is continually trying to install trojans on my laptop

Here are my exchanges with Immunet.


Hi FriedFish,

I can't be sure Norton itself is not infected: it would be extremely rare for that to be the case. Assuming, of course, that it is a true Norton version (that you installed yourself, from a trustworthy site)
Most likely, Norton is doing quarantines and Immunet is interfering (which might cause that really high amount of quarantined files, according to what I see in your screenshot).
    Thanks, here are the screen shots. Are you confident that Norton is not infected?

I am running the trial version of Immunet. I get warnings of a trojan located in a tmp file in one of my ../Program (86)/.. subfolders. Immunet quarantines it. I delete it, Then in a day or so, it shows up again in another subfolder. I assume there is something putting these trojans into my system after they were cleaned out.  Here is the type of information I get:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Seagate\Seagate Dashboard 2.0\00031004.tmp is Trojan.Generic.9853649
C:\Program Files (x86)\Seagate\Seagate Dashboard 2.0\00019370.tmp is Trojan.Generic.9853649
The location of the .tmp file varies -- different paths, but the trojan is always the same.

How can I find the source of these and remove them once and for all?


I started looking through file history "All File Events" and found a place where it claims Norton is installing the trojans. The information looks like.

Is this a false positive or is my Norton infected?

Here is another alarm from Immunet about Norton.

What is going on here. I thought Immunet was suppose to be compatable with Norton and other standard anti-virus software. Is my Norton infected or is Immunet wrong?
