I would like to see the ability to import and export the Scan and Auto-Protect/SONAR exclusion lists. This would be invaluable to me, as I have a good ~30 items apiece in them, and it is painfully tedious to copy out and back in all of the entries when I have to re-install or upgrade. The addition of this feature would be simple, and at the same time, extremely useful.
Hello amloessb, Conficker, and ALiasEX. I noticed this idea was similar to ones previously submitted
here: http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Product-Ideas/Settings-export-option/idi-p/234070
and here:http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Product-Ideas/Save-Settings-option/idi-p/222189
Please add your kudos and comments to one of these other ideas. Thank you for your feedback!
Thank you for your suggestion! This has been discussed within the Norton team.
At this time, it is not planned but will definitely consider moving forward.
Hi just a follow up on this.
Looks like there may be some bugs associated with import/export settings feature. This potentially have added some posts I see in the forum. Defects have been filed and teams will be assigned.