In French

I recently accepted a free upgrade to 2010 internet security from within the program. However, it is in french! Any ideas on changing the langauge?




Download the English version from this link:

You can uninstall french version from Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. Then install the english version using the downloaded copy. If it prompts for activation, you can use the same Product Key.




This is the 2nd thread in the last day or two with someone saying that their update was in French when it is supposed to be in English. Odd that this has happened twice in such a short time.

floplot wrote:



This is the 2nd thread in the last day or two with someone saying that their update was in French when it is supposed to be in English. Odd that this has happened twice in such a short time.



tecwhizz, did you run Live Update? Or did you possibly visit the Norton Update Center? Also plase check your preferred language setting in your browser. If you use IE this is located in Tools > Internet Options > General Tab, then click Languages. Make sure English is listed first.


Thanks very much.


Hello AllenM


I don't think running live update is going to change the language of the program that was updated. I'm wondering if there is an error on one of the Symantec update servers which is giving out the wrong language update. I know it's only 2 cases that we have heard about in the Forum, but I have a feeling this is not the result of something that these posters have done.

floplot wrote:

Hello AllenM


I don't think running live update is going to change the language of the program that was updated. I'm wondering if there is an error on one of the Symantec update servers which is giving out the wrong language update. I know it's only 2 cases that we have heard about in the Forum, but I have a feeling this is not the result of something that these posters have done.

HI Floplot,


I agree I don't think Live Update is responsible because that is a minor update to an existing installation and there is no way to change language without running a full installation. I'm just trying to get as much information as possible to try and get to the bottom of this.


The Update Center "could" be a possibility as this is a more "whole-sale" upgrade. For this one I think it is possible that incorrect language settings in IE (or other browser) could come into play. That is just one possibility among others. And server errors is certainly one possibility, particularly if the update center was involved which is why I asked that question. Language settings in the browser is just a double-check, even though most likely they are set correctly.


Right now I'm just in an "information gathering" mode to see if any common denominators can be found.


Once is one thing, twice is curious and only time will tell if others are reported over the coming days. If no others are reported then we can just chalk this up to "one of those things". If more continue to get reported then more digging will be required.


Let's both of us keep any eye out for any others, shall we? :smileywink:




tecwhizz wrote:

I recently accepted a free upgrade to 2010 internet security from within the program. However, it is in french! Any ideas on changing the langauge?





Hi tecwhizz,


You said "free upgrade to 2010". Does this mean you had a prior version of Norton Internet Security bofore, such as 2009? Or does this mean you had 2010 already and this update was a "minor" update?


As I'm reading this, it sounds you you might have had a prior version such as 2009 before?


Thanks very much


Hello AllenM


Yes, I will keep my eye out for more cases of the same thing as I try to do. I think that the Upgrade Center is usually accessed thru my norton account site, although I guess there are other ways of accessing it also.


I recently accepted a free upgrade to 2010 internet security from within the program.

From within the program I think he/she would have to click on Norton Account which should bring him to mynortonaccount. Once he is there, he can either use the Update Center or do it manually and pick out the product he wants to update. His Norton account should bring him to  the location from where the program was registered. I am thinking along the lines if these 2 people are from Canada where both French and English is spoken, if the Symantec server is spitting out the wrong language update. I think that both Canada and the US use the same website, but perhaps they are trying to give out the French version for those in Canada who only speak French as I know there is a whole section of the country which is like that.. I may be wrong about this. I know the chat program is supposed to be the same for US and Canada, so I am assuming that the rest of the site is for both countries also. I am curious to know if perhaps if you are in Canada if you can get the products in French if you want to.


If the 2 O/P's could tell us if they are located in Canada, that would help to see where this update is coming from. 

Hi Floplot,


If you click Help > Check for new version in the NIS program, it takes you right to the Update Center. I think if there is a server problem, it is likely going to be there.


There are only two ways to update within the program:


1) Live Update - we know this is a minor update which is not going to change languages.

2) Help > Check for new version - this uses update center and is capable of updating you to a completely new base such as 2009 to 2010. This one "can" change languages if there is a server problem, etc.


I'm pretty sure if there is a server problem this is where it is going to be. I am not from Canada myself but that is a good question for users experiencing this problem.


tecwhizz, did you do option 2 when you updated NIS? As floplot mentioned are you from Canada by chance?



Hello AllenM


I'm using System Works 12 Standard which includes NAV 2009, so I guess NIS works a little different in that respect and maybe that was a change in the 2010 version also.

It is hard to remember for sure but I think the Help > Check for new version was also available at least as far back as 2009.


I can't be 100% certain (memory can be a tricky thing sometimes :smileywink:) but I think I used this option myself to get to 2010.



tecwhizz: please follow Yogesh_Mohan's instructions, they should help you get the English version just fine :-)


To prevent a marathon thread resulting from how the original poster ended up with the French version (it has happened before that users going through the Norton Update Center were receiving the wrong language version - it was around the end of last year), maybe a new thread could be opened for further discussion :-)



As Yaso said the instructions will get you back on the English version. The other things Floplot and I have been discussing is in an attempt to try and determine how you got the French version in the first place.


If there is any sort of problem with the Update Center or anything and we can pin that down, then I can make Symantec aware of it so that hopefully others are not affected. :smileywink:




Hi, I am in the UK, not Canada, and I had the same problem yesterday when I upgraded to NIS2010, it changed from English into French! Thanks to the fix I found on here I resolved the problem quickly, but there's obviously some error in the server or something that is causing this.


Hope this helps!

Hi guinevere666,


Thanks very much for the information. What was your prior version of NIS? When you noticed the problem, did you run the Help & Support > Check for new version?


Thanks again



Symantec confirmed a problem with the update center incorrectly pulling the French version. This does not affect live update but only the update center.

Hopefully fixed soon.


This happened to me a couple of weeks ago.  As the only French I know is 'Hasta la vista baby' Norton is now spectacularly useless.  However, it's good to know that this hasn't just happened to me so I can stop taking it personally.  I have no idea what to do about or who to contact so will just keep watching here and elsewhere in the hope that someone comes up with an easy fix.





Hello allynruk


Welcome to the Norton Users Discussion Forum


You can download NIS 2010 from this link and save it to your desktop.


You can download 2010 NIS from here

Please remember to run live update after install to make sure all updates are received and then please reboot.


You can then get your key from mynortonaccount if you don't have a copy of the key.


After that, you can uninstall NIS from your control panel using add/remove


Then you can install the English version of NIS that you have downloaded to your desktop and use the key that you used for the French version.


If you have any problems with activating the program, you can contact customer support for free via the chat program and tell them what has happened and they will adjust your activation count.

This is the link for US/Can. If you need a different location, please consult your local Symantec site for the local free chat customer support link or come back here and I can try and find the local site for you.


If you have any problems, please come back and we shall try and help you further. Thanks.