indentity safe wallet enters wrong address

I have several credit cards in my identity safe wallet, some for work and some for home. When I select my work credit card to make a purchase Norton enters the correct card number but enters my home address which I then have to delete and retype into the form. this happened in the previous version of identity safe as well and I was hoping upgrading to the new version might solve the problem. alas it has not. all it has done is remove the security code field which is also very annoying and means I have to go and retrieve my card to find the security code rather than have it auto filled. That was the whole purpose of having identity safe in the first place - so I did not have to keep going to get my card,. why can't this be an option? I have now resorted to putting the security code in the notes field which is probably less secure and much more annoying to get at,  but at least I have it to hand. I just wish identity safe would fill in the correct details for the card selected.


also the fill assistant lists addresses under the name I select when entering cards in the wallet (eg Philip work debit card) but only lists the actual payment cards by the long number on the card so I don't know which card is which. What is the purpose of assigning easily recognised names to cards itf fill assistant then ignores them and just lists the numbers. Do you remember the long numbers on your cards when you have a dozen of them?
