Everytime I insert a photo memory card into the card reader and the Norton Antivirus for Mac 11 autoscan the card, it reported "Error. Infected file cannot be reparied, Archive restored." It acutally report all files in the card with the same message. If there are 200 files on the card, it will report 200 error with Infected file cannot be repaired. This is a very scary sound message. especially the first time since I use this memory card all the time on other machines.
I read couple of messages with similar problem but I could not understand how a photo memory card can have an archive? Is the message refer to a virus in the card or it is simply an error on the Norton Antivirus for Mac 11 part?
FYI, the card is only go from the camera to the PC (usually windows) and the Windows NAV did not find any virus on the card either. All files in the card can be openned normally as well.
Thanks for your message. I understand your frustration - sounds like a very annoying issue that you're running into! It's doubly obnoxious when our alerts are causing even more confusion instead of helping you diagnose the problem. The archive scanning is done by our Decomposer Engine. Archive scanning can be tricky, and I know the Decomposer Team works hard to gracefully deal with issues like corrupted archives. I'd love to take a look at the file(s) that are causing you problems and hopefully get this fixed.
If you don't mind - shoot me an e-mail directly. That way we can check out your archive and see what's going on.
I am getting this message: "Virus "Infected file could not be repaired. Archive restored."
I'm a Mac convert from windows. Been at this three years. I still have that urge to keep anti-virus software on my computers.
I am rather concerned about this error. Not sure how to fix it. I've seen this in a couple of places on this forum. Is this a bug or do I have an issue? Appreciate your assistance/guidance/wisdom.
Everytime I insert a photo memory card into the card reader and the Norton Antivirus for Mac 11 autoscan the card, it reported "Error. Infected file cannot be reparied, Archive restored." It acutally report all files in the card with the same message. If there are 200 files on the card, it will report 200 error with Infected file cannot be repaired. This is a very scary sound message. especially the first time since I use this memory card all the time on other machines.
I read couple of messages with similar problem but I could not understand how a photo memory card can have an archive? Is the message refer to a virus in the card or it is simply an error on the Norton Antivirus for Mac 11 part?
FYI, the card is only go from the camera to the PC (usually windows) and the Windows NAV did not find any virus on the card either. All files in the card can be openned normally as well.
We are still investigating this issue. It sounds like a particular archive type cannot be scanned by Norton AntiVirus, but we have yet to replicate this problem in-house. We're still looking into it, and we apologize for the frustration caused by this.
We'll definitely post when we have a fix. In the mean time, you can try turning off compression scanning. This feature scans your compressed files for viruses. As soon as you decompress the archive, we will catch the virus even when compressed archive scanning is turned off, so you can safely turn this feature off as long as you keep Auto File Scan turned onn. To tun it compression scanning open the Norton AntiVirus application and click on Automatic Protection on the left side of the screen. Click on the lock to unlock the settings, if necessary. Then click Configure under Auto-Protect. On the General tab, find the Scan Compressed Files option and click Off. Click "OK" to save your settings.
I have also received this error message. It seems to come off of my Sony 8GB "Tiny" USB Memory Card. I have a wide variety of files on this drive, so I'm not sure which file(s) may be causing the issue.
Obviously this has already been reported, but I just wanted to add to this thread to let Symantec know I've been having this issue too.
We're trying to reproduce this issue in-house and have not had a lot of success.
If you are seeing this problem, can you please post the type of camera you have and the type of memory card it uses? (if it's not a digital camera, please list the type of media)
Also, any details as to when/how you get the scan to happen.
I am not having this problem with memory cards or removable disks (USB jump drives). I AM having this same error when I do a full system scan of /.
I received two errors, both of which said, "Infected file could not be repaired. Archive restored."
I can understand that there is difficulty in scanning archived files. However, I would like to know which files are offending Norton AV. Thus far I have not been able to determine which files are the problem.
1. Where is the full LOG file kept so that I can view it with command line tools?
2. Is this something to worry about?
I have already set the flag for scanning archived files to off. Thus I should not have this problem in the future. It is irritating that I cannot find the files that are offensive.