Infostealer.Gampass, Help please?

Yesterday, i plugged in my thumbdrive to my computer.

Norton blocked infostealer.gampass.

Seeing that, i quickly what i needed into the thumbdrive and quicly unplug it.

Then, i ran a full system scan with norton, clean.

Then, i restart my computer, put norton on all aggresive settings and scan again.

It detected "Bloodhound.MBR".

Then i thought it's clean now. But it keeps on detecting "Bloodhound.MBR" on aggresive settings.

It's fine on normal settings.

Nonetheless, i put it back to normal settings.

Then, i installed malwarebytes anti-malware.

It should be clean like norton said, right?

No, malwarebytes detected something else.

A registry error of some sort.

So, i restarted my computer after the clean up of mbam,

and i ran Mbam again. Clean.

But i still have no idea about why norton keeps on detecting "Bloodhound.MBR" on aggresive settings.

I am about to use acer recovery to go back to factory default...

Just asking for some suggestions and whether i should do the factory default.
