One of my systems is a 'Home Theater PC'. When I built it, I employed five HDDs, as this allowed the use of some inexpensive drives that didn't push the new high-density technology edge. When I configured it, there was a natural split whereby two of the drives are basically "jukeboxes" for audio and for video. The content on these changes infrequently, new music purchase,, etc. (note that the fourth which is recorded TV video is volatile). Since I use Ghost on other systems and like it for the most part, I've employed it to perform backup jobs to both an internal drive just there for backup / duplication and to USB removable drives.
Ghost works great for backing up my oft-changing system drive and recorded TV drive, and Offsite is great for the removable media for them. However (and I realize this isn't a life-or-death issue), there really is no reason to backup the two infrequently-changing drives very often, certainly not weekly or more frequently. I currently have them set up separately and set as manual (not scheduled) jobs. However, it would be nice to be able to have the job run on a schedule that is less-often than weekly.
Anyone have any clever ideas about how to setup a scheduled backup job, which executes less often than weekly ?