insight optimizer? (part 2)

reading this closed thread


i have a question, i have norton antivirus 2012 v


it has idle insight optimizer. i have 2 SSDs in 2 computers. win 7 turned off the defragmenter.


if the norton optimizer is just a scheduler to start that, what does the idle optimizer still doing activated if it detects the defragger turned off and on an SSD ?


why even have the optimizer if win 7 has the defrag scheduled already if the computer had an HDD ?


Atleast if it removed some temps files, idk, cleaned out some junk files, sure, but on an SSD with the defragger turned off, it should just turn itself off and if the user activates it, have a popup message stating why its not a good idea.


makes sense to me not to have an unused function running with no pay off.