Install Norton Security


I had posted this question on the NIS forum, but figured I would also post it you are all NS users...

I have just purchased Norton Security (having used NIS) for a number of years and have about a week remaining

on my NIS subscription.  The remaining days are not a matter...if I lose a few - no problem.


My question is this:  Can I install Norton Security "over top" of NIS - OR, should I remove NIS either, with the Norton

removal tool - and /or Windows Uninstall program?     The new retail packages do not come with a CD - just a web site

and your product code.  If I start the process - will the "Install" recognize I already have NIS and prompt me to continue

or uninstall NIS?

Just thought if other users had encountered this -- might give me a heads up -- so I know what I will see.

