Install Norton VPN without Norton 360


Is there a way to ONLY install Norton VPN without installing all of Norton 360?
I just need the personal VPN portion because my company requires to install SEP on my device (so I do not need the extra features)

Thank you


Using the same process you outline in your last post I too see the 360 download started when clicking on Download from the VPN section of your Norton Account. 

I believe it still may go back to my comment above that you need to have a subscription to the standalone VPN app for it to take you to a VPN download. In which case, the web site is not very clear in the instructions. So likely not a bug. Just poor web design.

All I can do for now is to escalate this thread to try to get the web site clarified. 


Then there is a bug on the Norton site Here are the steps I do:
1) Click on the following Link:

Screenshot-1.png2) Click on "Download" it takes me to the following page (which I think is the incorrect destination)


3) Click on "Agree & Download"

Then this is what gets downloaded (N360 -- not VPN)

Screenshot-3.pngDo you see the same flow when you try it?


The instructions from your link are for users that have subscribed to the standalone Norton Secure VPN product. 

When I click on that site, it asks me to subscribe to Secure VPN before I can download it.

I already subscribe to Norton 360 premium (which includes Secure VPN as part of it)
When I follow the instructions on this page:

The download I get is the installer for Norton 360, not just the Secure VPN.
Can someone send me the direct link to the installer for Norton Secure VPN. I do not think I should have to pay twice for that product.

Thank you


There is a standalone Norton Secure VPN app. See here.