Installed 360 V6 now videos won't play

I installed 360 v.6 on 2 pc's. I have a website with a youtube video embedded on it that was displaying perfectly for nearly a year. After installing 360 V6 on my pc the video no longer plays when I open my website but has a blank space for it. At first I thought it was Youtube problem. I went to my account and check all setting and all was fine. So I then check my server and again all was fine. I even called tech support for my server and when he pulled up my webpage the video was playing. Weird. I then decided to check my other pc that has 360 v.6 installed to see if the video would load when I go to the webpage and sure enough it did. So I started digging deeper and check to make sure i had all the proper codec’s and even reinstalled them and check setting in IE9 and 360 but can't seem to find what is causing the video not to play when the webpage is opened. This problem did not happen until I installed 360 but why did it happen on 1 pc and not the other? I have win 7. Any ideas???



Problem Solved !

Well it was a little tricky to start but in the end I found the problem. It turns out it was not Norton 360 V.6 at all.

 I started by uninstalling all Norton software and tested my website to see if the video was working and sure enough it was not. So I tried sys restore prior to Norton 360 install  and that did not work also. Now Im a little dumbfounded and started to again reinstall flash, chrome, codecs etc and still no luck. I then started to play around with browser add on's when I realized just about the same time I installed Norton I added Tracking Protection add ons. Sure enough as soon as I disabled them videos starting working again. Now I wanted to know which one was causing me my headaches thus I started going thru them one by one and Walla it was STOP GOOGLE TRACKING TPL. I hope this may help others with the same problems.

I installed 360 v.6 on 2 pc's. I have a website with a youtube video embedded on it that was displaying perfectly for nearly a year. After installing 360 V6 on my pc the video no longer plays when I open my website but has a blank space for it. At first I thought it was Youtube problem. I went to my account and check all setting and all was fine. So I then check my server and again all was fine. I even called tech support for my server and when he pulled up my webpage the video was playing. Weird. I then decided to check my other pc that has 360 v.6 installed to see if the video would load when I go to the webpage and sure enough it did. So I started digging deeper and check to make sure i had all the proper codec’s and even reinstalled them and check setting in IE9 and 360 but can't seem to find what is causing the video not to play when the webpage is opened. This problem did not happen until I installed 360 but why did it happen on 1 pc and not the other? I have win 7. Any ideas???



HI pizzaman69,


Flash issues can be very difficult to figure out sometimes.  I just ran into a case where I had to allow third-party content to store Flash data on my computer before one site would work correctly.  I still visit a few sites that I cannot get to show video, no matter what I do.  One of the reasons that trying different browsers is suggested is for situations like yours where some setting or obscure add-on that no one except you even knows is installed is causing the issue.  With Flash, it is almost always a browser issue.



I just fixed a similar no-play situation on CNN pages after tracking it down to an ad-blocker I was using! I Whitelisted the CNN/video URL and now they are OK ....