Installing Norton 360 v2.0 on XP SP3 causing raft of shutdown issues -ccSVChst hanging on shutdown

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Run  Norton Removal Tool,  clear all your temp files by using  CCleaner, click Start>Run>type 'prefetch'>Enter>select all>delete.


Next, reinstall Norton 360v2.


Do a Disc Cleanup then Defragment your PC.




Message Edited by johna on 07-12-2008 07:16 AM
1 Like

Thanks Johna

I did all the steps you advised and still no difference. I keep keeping the same applciation hang issue on shutdown.

It is really frustrating.



Dear oh dear! In my humble opinion, you have been quite wrongly advised.

However, before beginning I think when you said "so I full installed it before installing" you may have meant to say "so I full uninstalled it.."


The CCSVchst hanging on shutdown is a known problem with Norton 360 v2. There is no need to uninstall and reinstall because this will not resolve this issue. For the time being the solution is to make a small modification to your registry which basically will force closures and prevent the ccsvchst error msg appearing and holding up the shutdown procedure.




The above links to symantec to explain the fix. You would also find a lot on this subject had you entered ccsvchst in the search box on this forum.


Anyway, returning to your problem of shutdown. I do not think the above is your only problem. It will be helpful when you have done the above to see if the time to shutdown completely resolves. If you still consider the time lengthy, it it possible that zoombie processes are at work and the shutdown is now having to end these zoombie processes which will slow down shutdown. In this case I suggest searching in the forum for zoombie.


Hope the above helps


[edit: changed link so no horizontal scrolling would occur] 




Message Edited by Tony_Weiss on 07-16-2008 01:39 PM

>>N360 2.0 either goes into a frenzy after resuming from Standby..>>


Seems like not just a shutdown issue which is why I advised you to try the reinstall. 


Are you still having the problem, I have another couple of quick registry tweaks that may do the trick for you, and will speed up your shut down time.

Many thnaks again. Unfortunately I won;t be able to follow advice for a week or so as the PC with issues belongs to my father who lives 50 miles from me and I'll get to it next weekend.

Any other advice RE tweaks would be very well received regardless.

I am still not sure whether I should remove N360, unistall XP SP3, run Norton clean tool, then reinstall N360 and not bother with SP3.

It is strange- v.1 of N360 was perfect - have they totally changed its architecture?



>>I am still not sure whether I should remove N360, uninstall XP SP3, run Norton clean tool, then reinstall N360 and not bother with SP3.>>


Did you try to just uninstall N360 using the removal tool, and then reinstalling yet, I'm not clear about this. Will add the tweaks as an edit later today, they should help also.  



sorry, i had previously uninstalled then ran the NRT- restarted - then reinstalled.

I hope this is clearer. many thanks for all your help.


I find this very awkward because I do not wish to speak against another contributor. However, as I read your problem you had

""ccSVChst hanging on shutdown". There is a workaround for this and there is no need to uninstall and reinstall. I certainly would NOT suggest uninstalling or reversing or returning to a pre SP3 point.


However, after all, you know nothing of me and therefore you will have to make your own mind up on what action to follow, particularly if there is a conflict of advice.


If you follow my advice as previously given, you would seek first to resolve the ccSVChst issue and then report if you have further problems. You would also have investigated zoombie's and by killing these off manually before shutdown, you can easily establish whether you have another shutdown issue.


For the sake of peace, I will not post further in this thread, unless you specifically mark your reply in the first line "To cgoldman"


I trust you will understand.


<<  I find this very awkward because I do not wish to speak against another contributor. However, as I read your problem you had

"“ccSVChst hanging on shutdown”. There is a workaround for this and there is no need to uninstall and reinstall. I certainly would NOT suggest uninstalling or reversing or returning to a pre SP3 point. >>


In my book, and a long history of doing support in Forums, their very essence is the contribution of different points of view as long as we don’t include "I don’t know how he could be so idiotic as to even dream of  … " <vbg>


So I hope you will continue to contribute whether or not personally addressed. It’s a pity that everyone does not use the Threaded View of messages and realize that you can actually post a message as a reply to an individual and so it’s not just another blog …

Please accept my sincere apologies for failing to recognise different contributers to assist with my issue.

I really didn't mean to create a rift ... totally unintentional.

On naotehr aside, it would alos be appreciated to have some input or KB article form Symantec directly...



Back at the beginning, when you installed SP3 did you have one of the versions of N360 (or any Antivirus/Security program that "protects" system files) installed and active?


If so Microsoft has acknowledged a problem when SP3 is installed and such protection is active since the protection does what it says and it stops the SP3 update "engine" from deleting some temporary entries in the registry.


Microsoft has a hotfix for this and Norton, since they have Autoprotect, has a tool to clean out this corruption in the registry.


Let us know and one of us can point you to the Microsoft and Norton documentation on this. It is not restricted to Norton, BTW.

yes, prior to sp3 I had N360 v.1 installed. SP3 was instnanned afterwards.

When current N360 license expired, it was uninstalled, I ran NRT, then instlaled N360 and the problems began.

Any hotfixes/documnetation would be greatl appreciated.



OK. From what I gather here, you had N360v1 installed on your PC. Then you installed XP SP3. After this, you uninstalled N360v1,  ran the Norton Removal Tool, then installed N360v2. Now you are having hanging problems when shutting down, in this case the infamous ""ccSVChst hanging on shutdown" issue.


Did you follow the link suggested by cgoldman? If so, is the process still hanging on shutdown and are you still having issues with N360, and if so, what are they?


If you could provide these details, we will do our best to help you resolve this issue.






To Johna

Well said. I was confused by the contributor first indicating that the PC was not immediately available to test and then asking for hotfixes when two solutions have so far been proposed (one in another thread I think). I am hoping that the standard workaround for this issue will fixed our friend.


As an aside, I wonder if the workaround now released for zombie will also resolve the ccsvchst issue without using the ccsvchst workaround. Alas I am too busy with other problems with Norton 360, to spend the time to test, but maybe someone else will.

 When I try to run the fix tool in IE7 to solve the ccSvchst issue the following message appears in the tool window and nothing happens:


"Sorry, we are unable to determine the issue details at this time."


Any idea? Does the tool fix only english versions of N360?

Win XP SP3 (german), N360 v2.3.1.4 (german)


Thank you in advance.


Its midnight but maybe I can help you. What fix tool are you using and where are u using it? The main fix for ccsvchst is a small modification to the registry, and hence my confusion…

The link in your post earlier in this discussion (nr. 4) points to a Symantec support page that basically states “Click this button to run the fix tool”. I did this (in IE7) and a Window opens which almost immediately shows the error (?) message indicated below. Just for your information, I did try this from the admin account. I guess all this fix does is the modification to the registry.

1 Like

My earlier post has been modified by admin and at the time of posting the link did not resolve to a button.


If you are happy with using regedit

You go to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop  and for autoendtasks you change the setting to 1.


If the fix button works, this setting will already be 1.


When you say "shows the error(?) message indicated below". I do not find an error msg in your post.

Have you closed down and has the problem gone away. If not there is another proposal from another contributor


look for quickbooks. That contributor posts another modification to the registry. I see no merit in it, but after all it worked for Jason.


Please post back exactly any remaining issue.





rbewley wrote:

yes, prior to sp3 I had N360 v.1 installed. SP3 was instnanned afterwards.

When current N360 license expired, it was uninstalled, I ran NRT, then instlaled N360 and the problems began.

Any hotfixes/documnetation would be greatl appreciated.



Check out this message which has a link to the Norton cleanup tool and some background.


And here is a link to the MSKB 953979 update -- there is a link in it to actually get the file which you have to run in Safe Mode so save the file to your usual download folder and run it from there after restarting in Safe mode.


I don't say this will cure your problem but the cleanup needs to be done, if the corruption occurred, and I would uninstall your N360 in the normal way and then run NRT to remove any traces before reinstalling N360.

Message Edited by huwyngr on 07-17-2008 09:22 PM