Integrating’s community rating

Hi everyone,


I’m not sure if this will pass constitutional muster, but, I figure I might as well share. 


In keeping with N360 installation, you open your browser, you are prompted to install “Safe Search”, okay.  You go to (with a search for anything) up come results and you see Norton seals.  I’m getting to the point.  When I “mouse over” said Norton “indicators”, I am presented with’s result.  Here’s the punchline.  Again, when I “mouse over”, would it be possible for Norton/Symantec to integrate the community reviewers’ aggregate rating?


Please do not misrepresent this.  Providing the community rating does NOT replace Norton Safe Web’s finding - - only provides users with additional intelligence.  Because, as I have mentioned on previous posts, Safe Web’s “green check of approval” is not always accurate.  It would be convenient to have that quick glance at the community rating without having to visit 


In example screenshot for, we see Norton’s “OK”, but, if what I am proposing is implemented, we would also see a 4.4 as that is the community rating for Yahoo. 


In closing, this is only a thought, let me know what you guys think. 



