Intermittent ALU

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Automatic Live Update works at times and not at others. This morning, I noticed it had not updated for 14 hours. I did a manual update which works fine, but then there are days where Automatic Live Update does not work. For me, if this continues, I will be forced to uninstall the program. I mentioned this at Wilder's Security Forum where I am a contributor, and others have had the same issue.


There must be a bug in the program that creates this behavior. It is not anything on my end.

Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 05:37 AM

[edit: updated subject to reflect issue]

Message Edited by Tony_Weiss on 10-07-2008 01:34 PM

NIS 2009. I have had this issue from the first day I installed the software. I have never had such a problem with any other AV.

Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 01:27 PM

I can try to investigate this. I have some questions:


1) To clarify, are you saying that on some days, Automatic LiveUpdate works fine and keeps your machine fully up-to-date, and on other days, it doesn't seem to work at all?


2) If ALU doesn't seem to be working, if you leave your machine totally idle for a couple hours, will Automatic LiveUpdate run?

Just to clarify – what AV/Security application(s) did you have installed before you installed NIS2009 and did you remove them or install on top?

Avira-of course I removed it and zero remnants in the registry or anywhere else.



1. Yes


2. It varies

Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 02:31 PM

Thanks -- just establishing background .... "of course" doesn't exist in user support <g>


You are in good hands with Christopher

No problem. But with a Phd in Computer Science, a pioneer in the PC industry, and one of NIS 2009’s first supporters at Wilder’s Security Forum, I am not smilling because of the difficulty I have had with this issue- and I never have issues with software.

Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 02:41 PM
Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 02:41 PM

BunkhouseBuck1 wrote:
No problem. But with a Phd in Computer Science, a pioneer in the PC industry, and one of NIS 2009's first supporters at Wilder's Security Forum, I am not smilling because of the difficulty I have had with this issue- and I never have issues with software.


It's humiliating isn't it? <vbg>


My primary care doctor, now retired, was a wonderful person but on the arrogant side with nurses and hospital staff .... until he had 2 heart attacks in his office and was on the receiving end of EMT and nursing staff! IMO he became a much better doctor!



I sent you a private message with instruction for how to collect and upload logs on this issue.

huwyngr wrote:

BunkhouseBuck1 wrote:
No problem. But with a Phd in Computer Science, a pioneer in the PC industry, and one of NIS 2009's first supporters at Wilder's Security Forum, I am not smilling because of the difficulty I have had with this issue- and I never have issues with software.


It's humiliating isn't it? <vbg>


My primary care doctor, now retired, was a wonderful person but on the arrogant side with nurses and hospital staff .... until he had 2 heart attacks in his office and was on the receiving end of EMT and nursing staff! IMO he became a much better doctor!


Not sure what your point is, but the software needs to be improved upon or risk losing customers as Symantec did for several prior years. Having LU not work properly for millions was true arrogance and marketing ignorance. Is history repeating?
Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 03:49 PM
Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 03:51 PM
Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-07-2008 03:51 PM

I unistalled the software. No reason to tolerate a program that does not work properly. The only software I ever used that did not update properly was Symantec AVs.


I hope your code writers can get it remedied before users start leaving as they did in the past.

I tried two things and now updates are working properly. One was to run Norton Removal Tool 2009, and the other was to not run CCleaner after I uninstalled the software.

What other security tools are you running? I have uninstalled NIS using the NRTR and CCleaner registry cleaner and no problems.

Dieselman743 wrote:
What other security tools are you running? I have uninstalled NIS using the NRTR and CCleaner registry cleaner and no problems.

I had not used NRTR after the last installation. Upon re-installation is where the problem originated. WinPatrol Plus is the only other security program (not really a full security program) but that has nothing to do with the issue in my view.  

Well how do you know that exactly unless you eliminate it. I just problems with Threatfire blocking WinRAR for no reason. I have tested WnPatrol and its pretty usless. AnVir Task Manager free does the same. Either way when your trying to fix a problem its best to start off fresh. Disable all programs and see what happens.

Dieselman743 wrote:
Well how do you know that exactly unless you eliminate it. I just problems with Threatfire blocking WinRAR for no reason. I have tested WnPatrol and its pretty usless. AnVir Task Manager free does the same. Either way when your trying to fix a problem its best to start off fresh. Disable all programs and see what happens.

Some personal background: I have used computers since 1967 and am an experts-expert. WinPatrol is not useless, and I am aware of the proceedures necessary to solve a problem. That is why I never have any- except with Norton.

BunkhouseBuck1 wrote:

Some personal background: I have used computers since 1967 and am an experts-expert. WinPatrol is not useless, and I am aware of the proceedures necessary to solve a problem. That is why I never have any- except with Norton.

sounds less like a problem with nortons and more a problem with what you installed with it. i would think and experts-expert would wanna find the cause of the prolem and get logs to nortons instead of just wiping it off the system. maybe i need to go to class more often :robotwink:

TychoCopperNose wrote:

BunkhouseBuck1 wrote:

Some personal background: I have used computers since 1967 and am an experts-expert. WinPatrol is not useless, and I am aware of the proceedures necessary to solve a problem. That is why I never have any- except with Norton.

sounds less like a problem with nortons and more a problem with what you installed with it. i would think and experts-expert would wanna find the cause of the prolem and get logs to nortons instead of just wiping it off the system. maybe i need to go to class more often :robotwink:

Maybe you should pay more attention and read my post #14 above. I said I re-installed the program and it is working properly.

Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-10-2008 01:11 PM
Message Edited by BunkhouseBuck1 on 10-10-2008 01:12 PM