Internal program error when trying to run scan and run 360

It seems my 360 is not operating as normal when I press the icon noting happens and not screen appears. When I try a quick scan "internal program error" box appears. I am operating on Windows 7 starter. Also windows is not shutting down. Can you help?



Welcome to Norton community.


This problem often happens if you have a second security program installed on your computer. Please check and see if  your computer has any other security product installed.


Do check for any other error numbers.


Also, if you have recently installed Norton 360, which security program did you previously use?




If I have its been ok for two years. its seems non responsive. How do I fix it?

[[EDITED the links]]

In that case I would suggest you to download the Intelleigent updates and install them, that should fix the issue here. 


To download the instelligent updates please click HERE


Once you are on that page under the file name you will find  "20120417-032-v5i32.exe" click on that , save it to your computer and run it!


That would install intelligent updates, after it's done, restart your computer, and it should work.


If the problem is still not fixed, please remove the current installed product using the Norton Removal tool which you can download HERE


After it is removed, restart the computer and download and install the latest copy by signing into your Norton account ( )


Please post here if you require help at any point of time doing these steps.




with the removal tool - do I also lose Norton utilities? It asks me to delete before it can romve 360?

hopedundee wrote:

with the removal tool - do I also lose Norton utilities? It asks me to delete before it can romve 360?

No, Norton removal tool would not remove Norton Utilities and if you have it on the computer, then it would not run the Norton removal tool.


In this case, the best option would be to manually go ahead and uninstall Norton 360 from the "Add or remove" programs list in the control panel which would not disturb your Norton Utilities installation.





   Just want to add some more info: Can you please provide us the Error log file from your Computer, which will help us corner the issue.


Log File: Start --> Computer --> C:\ --> Users --> %Your Current Username% --> You've to enable the Show operating System Hidden Files --> Then Open AppData --> Local --> Attach the CEDURL.txt file in your next Post.


Show operating System Hidden Files: Click Organize --> Folder and search options --> View(tab) --> click on show hidden files (as in below pic) --> Remove the Check mark next to Hide Protected Operating System Files(as in Pic below) --> Click Ok.

   Let us know if you've any difficulties.

