Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage

I have NIS 2009 that came with my new computer.  The free trial ran out, so I decided to extend the subscription.  When I did that, it told me to download NIS 2010.  I tried to do that, but it kept going to the “Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage” screen.  I tried going to and got the same screen.  I tried running the Norton Updater…when it told me there were updates that neede to be downoladed, I again got the “Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage” screen.  I tried the my account page on my other computer that doesn’t have Norton and it worked fine.  Still can’t get it to come up on my laptop which currently has Norton.  I was able to put in the product key to keep protection with 2009, but I’d like to get the upgrade.  I’m running Windows 7 and IE 8.