Hi, I am a newbie to this community. I wonder about an approach to really separate personal data and files from internet activity. I am particularly concerned about online self-service financial activity at the moment. Understanding that nothing is perfect, and there is no substitute for vigilance, for changing (strong) passwords often, etc., what about the following;
Three separate PCs (I have one Win8.1 home PC today) to be used as follows:
- "Data PC" Not connected to the internet. Not connected to any home network. Storage of my data, files, photos, etc. Has all thick client software apps for document/image creation, editing, etc. Connected to a local printer, and that's it.
- "Finance Internet PC" Connected to the internet. Used ONLY to visit known/trusted sites ... self-service banking. Also used for email to/from an email address that is not used for any personal communuication. Connected to a printer. Loaded up with Norton 360. No data files of any sort saved on this PC.
- "Recreational Internet PC" Also connected to the internet. Used for social networking sites, surfing, email to/from acquaintances and others, but never used to touch financial sites. Loaded up with Norton 360.
I read many posts saying this sort of thing is overkill, and that separate profiles on one physical PC are enough ... but suppose I simply don't want to trust software walls and want to instead rely on physical ones?
Thanks for all feedback