"Intrusion Protection" OFF for "limited account" user?

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

A red X in the tool bar says "Intrusion Protection" is OFF. for "limited account" user but not for the administrator account.


I  have two accounts on my computer, "Administrator" (for installing) and then my "limited accout" (where I do all my work). 


I get the "intrusion protection off" red warning in the "limited account", but when I switch to "adminstrator acccount" it is on, or green.


I tried to temporarily change the limited account to admin, but when I did my "limited account" showed all green.  So there was nothing to fix.  Then I changed it back, and guess what, Red X again, "intrusion protection off".


Can anyone help?

Out of curiosity, are you the only one who uses your computer? If so, why did you establish a "limited user" account?


If there's only one account on a computer Windows automatically gives it administrator privileges.


If others use your computer, I can understand your problem. 

BrandonFL wrote:


[ ... ]


If there's only one account on a computer Windows automatically gives it administrator privileges.


[ ... ]

Not in VISTA? Full Administrative privileges are always hidden out of sight and all Administrator/Users are in fact limited?


At least that is my understanding and why Run as Administrator is so useful.

I installed Norton 360 2.3.0 a couple of weeks ago on my main PC, and thought everything was working fine because my administrative account seemed to work fine with Norton -- no issues, status "Protected".  However, like these posters, I have since discovered that all the other members of my family who have non-Administrative accounts (that includes both Power User and Limited accounts) have a Red status requiring a "Fix", but of course it cannot be fixed because any attempt to turn on Intrusion Detection is greeted by the unhelpful "You need to be an administrator to perform this action".  I have already gone through an hour and a half of attempts by Tech Support to fix this issue, to no avail.


If any real solution becomes available, I would also like to be informed of it.  Like gps, I also attempted to fix the issue myself by temporarily making the other accounts administrators, only to find that Norton displays "Protected" while they are administrators, and once I remove them from the Administrators group, their Norton status reverts back to needing a "Fix".


Hoping for a quick resolution,

Bob Kreycik 

Thanks for all your answers. At least someone else has had this problem   


I have 360 v2 installed.   

When 360 says "your PC is not  protected from intrusion" does that really mean its off, even though the admin account says it's on? 


I kinda sounds like a registry problem, right?  Maybe I tried to update 360(in a limited account) or maybe 360 crashed and the registry never reset or something? 


But that might not fix it the problem, huh?  It's frustrating because everything seems to be fine just a little while ago.  Now this irratating problem pops up (for no apparent reason) and won't go away. 



Norton 360 v2 seems awfully fragile.

I started having the same issue on May 29th after a manual Live Update.  I still have the problem and wonder if anyone here has a solution.

I too have run into this issue of Norton 360 Intrusion Protection turning off for my limited account user.  Just like the rest of you, switching to my admin account results in Intrusion Protection being turned on.  This is frustrating.  I would be very interested in hearing about any solutions that are discovered.



Same problem here as of about the end of May I started getting this problem, except for me, I can click the “Fix” button and it fixes it, but only until the next time I reboot my system and then the red X comes back again. This has not been a good month for Norton 360. First it was a bad virus definition that failed to apply, and now it is this problem. Do they even test their updates before they release them?

I too had the Intrusion Protection problem. The Symantec Automated Support suggested that I should reinstall. This I did and it cured the problem. Unfortunately it then left me with the 'failed update' problem mentioned in the other threads.



Bumping up. Still hoping for a fix for this. Thanks.

Add me to the list, please.  Same stuff on 3 computers - one vista x64, and 2 win xp.  I run day-to-day stuff (games, browsers, etc) only as a limited user on all 3 comps.  Admin only comes out to play for patching or other actual admin stuff.

I would first recommend that you review the following Knowledge Base article on the subject:




As DerekJJ posted, this is the recommended course of action. Would also recommend contacting our Customer Support Team through the Help & Support section of Norton 360 v2. Please let me know how this works for you. Thanks!

That appears to have fixed it and even the Live-Update worked okay afterwards. Thanks.

I don't think it is fixed.


I uninstalled 360 and Liveupdate and reinstalled from the CD.


It was green for maybe a week. Now it's back to red.


I have version

I just used LiveUpdate and at first my version changed to and intrusion protection seemed to work in non-admin.  I ran LiveUpdate again and my version changed to and intrusion protection is not working in non-admin accounts again.

Well, like several others here, I grudgingly did the uninstall and reinstall recommended by the Knowledge Base article.  I was initially very relieved to discover that the issue with the non-Admin accounts appeared to be corrected.  I checked a day after making the change, and everything seemed fine in non-Admin accounts.


However, having read the results of others' more recent experience with the return of the issue, I checked another of our home accounts today.  To my chagrin, I discovered that the problem has returned for my other accounts as well.  My administrative account still appears to be working properly, but the non-Admin accounts for my other family members have returned to "At Risk" with Intrusion Prevention turned OFF.  I also currently have version


Since I had previously already contacted the Customer Support team, and had spent over an hour and a half on the phone with them while they attempted in vain to correct this error, I am leary of devoting that much time to that process again, unless someone can give me greater assurance that they really know how to resolve this error now.


Furthermore, even if the problem is resolved again, I have much less confidence that it will remain that way, since the reinstall worked, but apparently only until some Update fouled it up again.  Suggestions?



Bob Kreycik 

This is happening to me also, but, on my admin account as well. 


Whenever I reboot, I get intrusion prevention is off. It restarts ok but how boring is this?


Maybe this does not happen in the symantec labs, only in the real world :)







Okay, my problem came back today also after reporting above that the re-install steps seemed to have fixed it. Same as the person above, I only have an admin account, but intrusion prevention comes up off and I have to click the fix button to get it fixed. This is the last straw, I have had it with Symantec products. I am looking into what Mcaffee offers today. When you have to spend hours continually fixing a “set it and forget it” software application on 3 computers on a daily basis, it is time to move on. I wish reviewers would re-review this product after running into the mess of problems that a long-term user has to put up with (updates don’t apply, Notification windows appear in the top left of the screen - half off the screen, and now this problem). Instead, they just look at whether the thing runs for a couple of days before giving a glowing review.

I have had the same issue, installed 360 Premier Edition 6 weeks ago with no problems (with XP home edition), I run 2 limited accounts, one for the children, and I thought after SP3 was installed the dreaded red X appeared after that but from the dates already mentioned in the threads it may have been a coincidence?


I have cleaned the registry as per the Norton instructions.


Talked to Tech Support last week and removed and reinstalled 360 twice now to no avail.


Run as administrator no problems.


Does anyone know if the intrusion protection is actually turned off or is it just an erroneous message?
