Invalid package file error trying to install Norton Mobile Security 3.13 for Android on old Gingerbread 2.3.6 smartphone

I'm getting this error message "Package file is invalid" when I try to install the latest version Norton Mobile Security on my old Android Gingerbread smartphone (firmware 2.3.6).  This is kind of disturbing since Norton Mobile Security is a SECURITY app!  I uninstalled Norton Mobile Security hoping that a reinstall would fix it.  It didn't work.  Now I don't have security protection at all for this smartphone.  

I tried to do the thing where you go to Settings/Applications/Manage Applications/Google Play Store and click "Clear data" and "Clear cache".  It didn't help.  I'm still getting the same "Package file is invalid" when I try to install the latest version Norton Mobile Security

Somebody who works at Symantec needs to tell the software engineers who developed Norton Mobile Security to fix this as soon as possible.