Invalid Symantec Recovery Disk location specified Please specify a valid path to a S RecoveryDisk

I need to image my old HD.  I have tried over and over at making a custom SRD, I lost my original, but every time I try using the PDF instructions, I get the  message, “Invalid Symantec Recovery Disk location specified, Please specify a valid path to a Smyantic Recovery Disk”. I have tried over and over at making a custom SRD.  But every time I try using the PDF instructions that came with the software, I get the message above,

As per the instructions. I went to the task bar and clicked on “Create Recovery Disk” then browsed the recovery disk location, which of course was my CD-R burner drive, but when I choose my “D” drive, which is my CD-r drive I get the message.  I have tried 4 other types of disks and they all do the same thing.  I am not a computer genius, but I know enough to do most things I need to do, but I can’t understand why Norton tells you specifically that you can make a new SRD, even if you lost the old one, but it does not seem possible.  It seems you have to have the orginal SRD to make a new SRD. How does that help anyone?

Please, can someone offer a solution or help?  Thanks in advance. George

Hi sonnyarth,


can you try Imacster's suggestion and see if it helps you.




Norton Forums Moderator

Symantec Corporation



Now that I have Ghost 14.0 and get this message is there any other way to fix the problem besides un-installing and re-installing ?


thank you much


Hi lmcsghost,


Welcome to the community!


One of our forum members had an interesting suggestion. Please check my previous post for the link to a possible work around for this problem.


Let us know how it goes.





Norton Forums Moderator

Symantec Corporation