IPS 2.0 disabled in Firefox are we still protected via Toolbar 4.5?

I understand in reading Tim's post that Symantec is working on support for Firefox 3.6 in regard to IPS 2.0 but what is not clarified is now that we have received NIS v17.5 and Norton Toolbar 4.5, are we protected against attacks against the browser or just in regard to validating the authenticity of web sites by the changing of the toolbar icon?

The Norton Toolbar in your latest Norton Internet Security 2010 product is compatible with Firefox 3.6. One part of our Firefox Browser Protection is incompatible with Firefox 3.6. No need to be concerned as this is only one small part in our Firefox protection story. Our primary Intrusion Prevention and Browser Protection capabilities still continue to protect users from drive-by-downloads and web attacks.


I have read and reread the text of your post. It would seem that you are downplaying the magnitude of the effect of the current incompatibility of IPS 2.0 with the latest Firefox 3.6.  I would like to know 3 things:


1. Is it not so that without a compatible IPS 2.0 that Firefox 3.6 users are now LESS protected and are now also MORE vulnerable to online threats than if IPS 2.0 was already compatible and working properly?


2. I have read the Norton fix for this IPS 2.0 matter will arrive 'shortly'.  That is  a nebulous  term. Is there any more definite time frame that we can rely on?


3. I have temporarily abandoned Firefox 3.6 and gone back to IE8 while I wait out this 'short' time for a fix.  Don't you think that is a safer approach then continuing to operate online using Firefox 3.6 without any IPS 2.0 whatever?


Thank you.

I agree with the previous poster.


Someone  at Symantec should clarify what protection currently is being provided. I too, feel a false sense of security. To be more specific, I recently visited a website using FF 3.6 that tried to install an active-X component,  and no matter how many times I clicked cancel, the message box reappeared, and my browser froze. I had to use Task Manager to kill the browser.  I encountered no messages from NT 4.5 other than a green icon.


The verbage used by the Symantec volunteer is akin to saying here is a gun to defend yourself  but there are no bullets.







The terms like 'shortly' or phrases like 'working hard on it' and of course the classic 'our specialists are aware of the problem' and similar verbal panaceas are IMHO pathetically transparent. 


Obviously with no IPS 2.0 my NIS2010 is partially crippled......Hey Symantec just give us the FACTS don't try to smooth it over or 'sell us sunshine!'

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I would like to know how the patch / fix is going to be delivered? Via live update or a patch that we have to seek out on our own? Also, WHEN CAN WE SEE THE FIX? I'm getting a lot of question from clients that I can't answer!



the only way to be safe on internet is to make ur web browser "virtual" by using sandboxie, i surpise norton doesn't have this feature since other products have it....

After reading all the previous posts, I think the best solution should have been to leave both the toolbar, and IPS disabled until both were ready as IPS is just as important, maybe more so, than a working toolbar with changing icons.


Moreover, I would have liked the option to remove the toolbar and IPS completely from within FF 3.6 without having to go into the FF components folder and find the Norton components manually and remove them. I like my FF the way it is.


As Symantec is quick to provide a Removal Tool for NIS and NAV, I would have liked a Removal Tool for just the toolbar in FF. I think we all earned the right of choosing whether to wait for these updates or find a suitable secure alternative. Symantec may be the fortress but all of us PC users are on the Internet front lines.

I have heard nothing about when or how the fix / update / patch whatever will be distributed -OR- how it will be made available. It seems odd that Symantec did not get an RTM of Firefox 3.6 like they did for Windows 7 a full 90 + days before Windfows 7 was on the sheves....


With my NIS 2010 and Firefox 3.6 I feel unprotected and unsafe.....


Why doesn't Symantec make an official corporate announcement with details?

Thanks for this information. I use a trial version of NIS2010 and Firefox 3.5.7. Am I still vulnerable if I don't use the Firefox 3.6 upgrade?  I want the best protection and am real jumpy when these kind of things are falling through the cracks. What elsc should I be watching for during the trial period?

Guys didn't you all read this post by Tim.



In the post, it is advise that we should not update Firefox till the compatible IPS is relases which is just a week from now. And also, mentioned in his post he commented that even if the IPS is not compatible, we are still protected. The statement can be seen here, "Yes, you are still protected. We have many layers of protection above and below the Firefox IPS plug-in. Part of the IPS technology component, SONAR and other protection engines will provide adequate support while the Firefox plug-in remains disabled." So it means that you safe.


But, should there be a new virus or whatever type of threat and that it has just been release, Norton might not be able to detect it so fast. As a result, it is best to hold off upgrading it. And Norton has also given a date for the relase of IPS. It is stated that it will be relase on the second week of February. You guys should trust Norton otherwise why are you using their product?