IPS Statistical Submissions


I have both IPS & feedback submission showing in my history as either pending or waiting going back several weeks.  I have it set up that this information can be submitted in so I am wondering how long it takes for these logs files to be submitted?  The IPS submissions mostly are concerned with iexplore, constant guard & various dll files like IEFrame,   I read the other posting so I understand what these are I think.  Why would the submission show the constant guard idvault, iexplorer being used at the government Medicare site as attackers and other logs do not say anything about being attacked?  When will these reports be submitted - the oldest one is over 1 week old.  I have included part of one below: 


Signature ID: 65000

Local or remote attacker: 2

Signature Set version: 20120613.007

Application Name:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer \Iexplore.exe

Date Detected: Tue, 19 June


I am going to skip the checksum and application file information  it doesn't list an offending URL.  I didn't get a pop up with any o them so figure I was not attacked.

So in closing: I would appreciate if anyone could tell me how long they take to be submitted, why would it show internal programs like constant guard & iexplore.exe as attacking me and others do not mention being attacked at all.


Thank you so much