Is it possible to pay with paypal in store?

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Hi there, I would like to ask if it possible to pay with paypal in norton store. I'm only seeing credit cards and bank related operations. Is not possible to pay with paypal?


I have also another question. If I buy a 2 year license, can I use it when version 2009 is release? And with version 2010? Or I'll have to get stuck in 2008 until the license expires?


I've read the licenses are for 1 user, and that they can be installed in two other computers. In my home I have two computers, can I use the license key in both computers? I don't understand the differende between "users" and number of computers.



Many thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately, paypal is not a payment option in the Symantec Store, only the listed payment options.


As to your subscription question, if you purchase a 2-year subscription to Norton Internet Security 2008, and you install the software, the subscription period begins at the time of installation. When NIS 2009 is released, if this subscription is valid, you can download and install the Free Update to NIS 2009, and the Update will pickup your existing subscription. As for the 2010 versions, I do not know if they will follow this same model. I hope this helps; please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.