Is Live Update 'NO UPDATE' ????????

I am using NIS 2009 on XP sp2.I just got a problem with Live Update that it doesn't update automatically even after 6-7 hrs,even after restarting the computer!!!!!!!!!!


When I run Live Update manually I only receive the updates for Web Protections and everything else but Virus Definitions and Pulse Updates nowhere in the reach of LU.


I do not get any kind of updates naming Virus Definitions or Streaming Definitions which I was getting previously.


What shall I do???

If suggestion is of Reinstalling NIS.........well I have done it twice........but no joy.


And it is not possible for me to reinstall NIS every now and then I get  a problem, is it ????? 


Message Edited by Shridhar on 11-12-2008 10:01 PM
Message Edited by Shridhar on 11-12-2008 10:32 PM