Is norton distributing patches faster than usual?

I have noticed that norton has been very quick to release the 16.7 patches lately, at least in the case of my two home computers.


Back when 16.5 was released "in a controlled manner" one of my computers got it in about a week and the other took about a month. When was released both my computers got it in about 2-3 days. Now, with the release of, it is only the 2nd day of its release and both of my computers have received the patch. During the short time was out neither of my computers got the new patch.


I am currently not experiencing any actual problems with the new patch. I simply find it strange that I am all of a sudden getting the new patches faster than usual. It could be that since people were experiencing problems with .2.9 that norton decided to accelerate the distribution of .2.10 and then do the same with the release of .2.11. Though I am not sure. Maybe my computers are just starting to come up more often as the randomly selected few who get the new patch first.


Has anyone else noticed this? In light of how few problems 16.5 had (minus the confusion the search box caused) compared to the seemingly massive problems the first two releases of 16.7 had I wonder if it is wise of norton to be distributing the new patches so quickly.