Is Norton Internet Security 2009 Supposed to Turn Off Windows Firewall & Defender?

I un-installed NIS 2008 and installed NIS 2009 yesterday with no issues.  When I installed other Suites, they turned off Windows Firewall and Defender.  Mine still are on.  Normally, I would turn off without hesitation, but I heave read that NIS 2009 is a lot different from previous versions.  Are the NIS2009 apps. intended to run on top of the Windows versions or should they replace the Windows versions?  I am running Vista 64 SP1.

I gather that NIS2009 is not fully functional in VISTA 64 so make sure everyone helping you catches that you are using this.

Whisper2 wrote:
I un-installed NIS 2008 and installed NIS 2009 yesterday with no issues.  When I installed other Suites, they turned off Windows Firewall and Defender.  Mine still are on.  Normally, I would turn off without hesitation, but I heave read that NIS 2009 is a lot different from previous versions.  Are the NIS2009 apps. intended to run on top of the Windows versions or should they replace the Windows versions?  I am running Vista 64 SP1.

I would recommend turning off Windows Defender and Windows Firewall because two firewalls and two anti-spyware programs running simultaneously will cause problems. 



Tech0utsider wrote:

Whisper2 wrote:
I un-installed NIS 2008 and installed NIS 2009 yesterday with no issues.  When I installed other Suites, they turned off Windows Firewall and Defender.  Mine still are on.  Normally, I would turn off without hesitation, but I heave read that NIS 2009 is a lot different from previous versions.  Are the NIS2009 apps. intended to run on top of the Windows versions or should they replace the Windows versions?  I am running Vista 64 SP1.

I would recommend turning off Windows Defender and Windows Firewall because two firewalls and two anti-spyware programs running simultaneously will cause problems. 



I agree on this one. Please disable Windows Defender. It can only give you conflicts

Thanks for responding TechOutsider.  I am aware that running more than one copy of a security application usually causes problems.  What make me hesitant is that 1) NIS did not turn them off – which previous versions did. and 2) Symantec has made a big deal of how they have reduced the amount of code and minimized computer resources necessary for this new version.  I wonder if they have created ad-ons (like Active X is to a browser) to the Windows products  instead of providing complete replacement applications. 



I don't think so. They completly rebuild the av-engines and the GUI.

I installed NIs 2009 without problems on Vista Ultimate 32bit - NIS took the Windows Defender and the Windows Firewall -Services down. Perhaps you answered a security Popup from Windows and turn it on again.


Cheerio Lars

NIS 2009 will disable Windows Firewall and Windows Defender during install if they are on. When uninstalled NIS will return them to their original states. Norton AntiVirus 2009, since it doesn’t have a Firewall, will not change the Windows Firewall state. In either case you can freely enable or disable Windows Firewall or Defender after installation, although we don’t recommend it.



Thanks, this is the information I was seeking.  For your information, NIS 2008 did disable Windows Firewall and Defender when I installed and enabled when I uninstalled.  NIS 2009 did not disable either when I installed.  This is not a problem - I disabled them manually. 


I compliment you and the other Symantec employees who developed NIS 2009.  This is an outstanding product.  Most Security Suites  provide at least adequate protection but NIS 2009 stands out because it is the first Suite I have used that tries to minimize its impact on system resources.  Keep up the good work and I will keep buying Symantec.

Hi Whisper2 :smileyhappy:


Due to another computer problem ( Having to do a - System Restore ) ... I've had to install NIS 09 - Twice!


The First Time I Installed - NIS 09 ...

It Did Turn OFF - Windows Firewall & Windows Defender


The Second Time I Installed - NIS 09 ...

It Turned OFF - Windows Firewall

But Not... Windows Defender :smileysurprised:


Like You...

I Had To Turn Windows Defender - OFF ... Myself! :smileysad:

Vista Home Premium - 32bit
Message Edited by Zana on 10-17-2008 05:34 PM

I Had To Turn Windows Defender - OFF ... Myself!

Zana, I am so proud of you.  You are the woman!


OH, my gosh!:  it takes forever to write like this!

Um, not to be a grammar geek here, but do you mean "we don't recommend" *enabling* Defender in NIS installations... or "we don't recommend" *disabling* Defender in NIS installations?


Or to put it simply, do you recommend Defender OFF... or Defender ON? (I am guessing the former.)


My NIS2009 seems to have turned Defender OFF which is fine with me.




Message Edited by EddyKilowatt on 12-29-2008 03:37 PM