Is Norton Mobile Security safe when it is registered in a strangers name and has multiple users?

 On attempting to buy security for more devices by clicking my Norton icon, I entered a chat with a Norton agent. He told me he would need to transfer me to a technician and transferred me to another agent who told me I would be contacted by phone. The new contact offered me Norton Mobile Security on five devices for three years at $299.99 AUD. He assured me he was a genuine Norton agent and since I had entered via the Norton icon, I at first believed him. He convinced me that all was genuine and I gave him access to my computer. He went about a two hour scan, deleting my product for which he arranged a refund. After checking the new version he had installed (now at around 2 am) I found that although it ran as normal on my computer and showed 1096 days remaining, it was registered to a user in New Delhi, India and had around 100 user's devices. I returned to the chat room and promptly received a message that the technician and salesman would call me which he did. He assured me that the product was safe and said I couldn't be refunded as they were a 3rd. party provider (even though a Norton agent had directed me to them, which Norton Chat Support later denied). I contacted Norton Chat Support with this issue for which they required access to my device, checking it saying that the product was registered in India and was not for Australian use. After telling them the events above, they at first denied it, later saying that the Norton version was safe to use. When I logon to Norton using my credentials, it shows as NO DEVICES are being protected in the 'Devices Tab' and in the 'Subscriptions' section, it only shows that I have been refunded for my original Norton product. However, the product, when opened on my computer does appear to function normally running all the usual scans and states I have 1094 days remaining. 

The question I have is, if the product key is registered to a  name in New Delhi, India and has multiple users, can the security be switched-off remotely and my computer then be placed at risk of hacking - and are there any other possible security risks? I had a (verified and from the genuine Norton site, albeit based in India as they always are) Norton agent check the system via remote access and he assured me that it would be OK (I have saved the chat transcript of chat sessions for what they're worth).

Hence, once again, my question is, are there any experts out there who may shed light on whether the use of this product is 'safe' OR should I delete the product and re-purchase the original version of Norton Security in my own name?

As noted in your other thread, we'll have to wait until my Norton contacts are able to look into this for you. 

Please only reply to this thread from now on. Less confusing, for me anyway.  wink


I contacted Norton Support from the Help button in my product. At that time I did have a valid Norton account in my own name (which has been refunded).

The product installed on my device DOES still show my name at the top. It's when I click the HELP button and open MY NORTON that no devices show under my account. The  SUBSCRIPTION STATUS opens as showing 'You Are Protected' with 1094 days remaining.

How did you contact Norton support the first time? From or from an internet search?

I have asked for this question to be escalated.

Did you have a valid Norton Account before this issue?

Were you using Norton Security products using your own Norton Account?