Is Save&Restore compatible with Ghost?

I originally bought system works premier because it bundled ghost and anti-virus, yay.

When the virus subscription expired I was prompted to renew.  Ok, fact of life.

The latest system works 12.0 upgrade includes "Save & Restore", and not ghost.  Dang.

Also, it wants to uninstall the previous version.


So, would a Save&Restore application know how to restore from a Ghost image?

I happen to have recently depended on my full backup to restore my system after

a misadventure with partition magic, for example.


Is it possible to just upgrade the anti-virus w/out toasting my Ghost?  The ghost I have

is working just fine, and all I really need to do is maintain my virus subscription.  At the

moment I've tried just installing the Anti-Virus 2009 from the CD-ROM.


If Norton wants to ship two backup/restore programs, they should do better about

explaining how they inter-operate, and this whole "upgrade the bundle" thing isn't

working so well if they are going to swap around components like this.

I'm thinking that if I like Ghost and want anti-virus, I should  decouple them.