Is the 60 day version directly convertible to full 12 month version with fee?

A family member has a 60 day version of Norton Internet Security on a new computer.  The member has 30 days remaining on this NIS program.  Can this member pay a fee and obtain a product key and directly convert the 60 day version to a full 12 month subscription?  Does the member instead need to buy a new NIS from the retail store and install it?

Just a small addition to what Yaso_Kuuhl said.  If you do buy a boxed version you should wait until the 60 days is almost up before entering the new key because the days left on the 60 day trial will not be added to the new key.


I made that mistake and customer service gladly helped me get the remaining days back but waiting will let you avoid the problem.

Message Edited by NerdBird on 01-14-2010 01:34 PM

A family member has a 60 day version of Norton Internet Security on a new computer.  The member has 30 days remaining on this NIS program.  Can this member pay a fee and obtain a product key and directly convert the 60 day version to a full 12 month subscription?  Does the member instead need to buy a new NIS from the retail store and install it?

You might also check with the manufacturer of the PC and see whether they have their own price for a subscription -- I was looking at the websites of a couple of manufacturers the other day and in their purchase options, when you spec the computer, you could just take the free trial period but the cost of getting 15 months (one option there) 2 years or 3 years was less than a normal subscription.


But that may only apply if you do it when you buy the PC so check with the manuafacturer (not with the store if you bought it locally or on line).


Do note what is said about waiting until the "last minute" in case you lose days -- I'm not even certain if getting the subscription from Norton adds the time on if the copy you have came on the computer as a trial version; it does if it is a copy you have bought originally if you get the subscription renewal from Norton.