Norton gave me an error message and adviced me to download NPE.
I did and NPE found the following to be a BAD file RIKVM_38F51D56.SYS.
I had NPE fix the file....meaning delete it, but after every computer reboot this RIKVM_38F51D56.SYS file shows back up. Online research did not help in finding out what this file does except that it is linked to Cyberlink DVD or one of it's products. I disabled cyberlink at startup and NPE can not find RIKVM_38F51D56.SYS file anymore.
Now, is this a virus or spyware from cyberlink, and how do i get rid of it? It is hidden and can only be detected by NPE.
I do not know much about these things and need some advice if I should be worried for my computer or not.
Please help!?