ISOBuster false positive

NAV 2010 SONAR is blocking ISOBuster installation in runtime.


Filename: isobuster_all_lang.exe


MD5: 0ac3be3fa6aecdf8729dc30ff2d387d5


File Insight:


Not Available



On computer as of

11-Oct-09 at 10:30:18 PM

Last Used:

11-Oct-09 at 10:32:46 PM

Startup Item: No

Launched: Yes



Few Users

Fewer than 100 users in the Norton Community have used this file.



This file risk is high.


Threat Details

SONAR Protection monitors for suspicious program activity on your computer.




Downloaded from  Not Available


URL Not Available






File Actions

File: c:\documents and settings\<username>\local settings\temp\is-963nr.tmp\isobuster_all_lang.tmp



File Thumbprint:

Not Available



I've reported to Smart Projects but from their response it seems that they don't have facilities to reproduce this problem. I'm using their free version, so can't proceed further with them. I can override SONAR but I want to report it to Symantec, but how? They don't seem to accept FPs from anyone else except the associated software vendor.

Message Edited by sbcontt on 10-12-2009 09:57 PM