Items to Exclude: restore previous functionality

In the past users were able to specify folders (directories) in free text format without any checks for their physical existence. For example, one could specify a folder name "\Forensics" and Norton Internet Security (NIS) would ignore all subfolders (subdirectories) and files under \Forensics on any drive letter (C:, D:, E: ... Z:).

I urgently need this functionality restored into the product (make it under an Advanced tab if needed) so that I can prevent NIS from messing with the many forensic tools I have installed in my computer that NIS thinks are malware. I have these types of folders in several removable drives and flash drives, which means the drive letters will change when they are mounted.

In the current version I have to manually specify exclusions like C:\Forensics, D:\Forensics, E:\Forensics, etc., and I can only do it when the drives are actually mounted, not offline folders. The old syntax of \Forensics would cover all that.

NIS actually uses this syntax in the default exclusion for the folder "\System Volume Information\". I could also include the same specification for "\$Recycle.Bin\", but all other folders are checked for their existence.

Please bring this options back as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance.