I ran a full scan. Threats are detected. However, I cannot remove the malaware namely JS.Malscript!g1. Please help.
Most important is WHERE this file is being detected. What directory? For instance...
Did you restart your computer after the detections? Sometimes malware need a restart to fully remove the infection. Be sure you are using the Restart command. Not Shutdown and startup again if you have Windows Fast Startup feature enabled. If you use Windows 8/8.1, 10 or 11, there can be an issue with the Windows Fast Startup feature.. See more information here.
What have you tried?
Did you try Recommended Action "Get Help" -> "Go".
Where does "Go" take you?
Can you Export Results & paste here.
Can you click on blue JS.Malscript!g1 (in your snip) to see if you can find detection location.
Contact Norton Support ask for VPP team > Support will work with you to diagnose and remove malware. What is Norton Virus Protection Promise?.
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