You may have seen one of those posts floating around on your newsfeeds recently, about Facebook charging you to keep your private information private. The post looks something akin to this:
However, the truth of the matter lies in Facebook’s Privacy Policy:
"You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings."
Unfortunately, these messages are copied and pasted rather than shared from the original source; therefore it is difficult to figure out where exactly these messages originate from. Another important thing to note is that these types of posts are not legally binding in any way, according to an article about the hoax on
In the event that something were to be changed by Facebook, you would hear it straight from Facebook:
When seeing these types of messages, it’s best to verify the information from credible sources, such as Facebook’s official Privacy page,, as well looking for any announcements on the company’s official Facebook page.
Posts like these are also a good reminder to check up on your privacy settings on the platform, as well.