Kaspersky - new problems?

Poor old Kaspersky. First they get investigated by the FBI or US Homeland Security; they have no option other than to play ball  and are pressurised into giving them info. Next the Russian Government slap them with Treason charges, for "colluding with the enemy"!

This came from Krebs.

The serious issue is a suggestion that Kaspersky has been or will be banned in the States. Possible grounds were said to be it left a bot or whatever and send info to Russia. Is this true?

PS I had a trial version of Kaspersky about 10 years ago but it took huge amounts of my laptop's resources so I uninstalled it after a week or so. I ran Revo Uninstaller Pro a week ago but it didn't find anything.

FWIW!! If the public has a hard time believing that all the data breeches, theft of military and industrial secrets are due to Russians being "the best in the business" at hacking there is a wakeup call written into all that feltercarb lol. Have a look at how similar the aircraft Russia and China have made are to ours, due to reverse engineering stolen information. Kaspersky has been used by and on the radar of several governments, not only the US, for a long long time. Russia sentencing people for treason? Speaks volumes against conspiracy theory. There's more to that than the average person wants to understand as well.

Of course having a "back door" such as Kaspersky installed, or implanted server chips on motherboards manufactured in China always goes a long way. We don't hear much complaining about how Android, specifically the Samsung factory software sending info to Hong Kong. Norton sure as rip will notify you of it repeatedly. But to each their own, as long as my financial institutions never allow me to know they're using it all is well. If its ever known they are, its time to move on. I don't trust China or Russia.


I don't know, i think Kaspersky is still good av protection.  If i didn't have Norton, that would probably be the program i would be using. 
