Keep getting confirmation of code text to me

Recently I have been receiving 6-digit confirmation codes texted to my phone from Norton on a daily basis, occurring multiple times a day.  When this occurs, I am either home or work, if I am at work, my computer is shut down. When I am home, I am checking my system, and no requests are sent.  I read somewhere that it may have to do with a recent update from Microsoft however, I want to confirm that. I want to know if this is an issue created by Microsoft or do I have to be concerned that someone is attempting to hack my Norton account.  I've run the antivirus scans, I don't download apps, games or anything of that nature on my system. All software I have come from verified companies.  

I have noticed in the past when Microsoft updates they system, they tend to attack Norton Virus, even shutting down my Norton VPN, shutting down my firewall or resetting certain defaults that I created.  

Hello Cruz. Check your Norton account for the following authentication methods being enabled. Specifically, do you have the Mobile authenticator app installed on your mobile device? What is your OS, its version and build?


Do you have Two-factor authentication for your Norton account enabled?

Norton SMS Terms of Service

You would be wise to change your Norton password. 

2FA wins this race.